Regan smiled at her dad when he mentioned still going to Boston. They hadn't really discussed her punishment yet, but it sounded like she grounded. She didn't really care since she only left the house with her dad anyway. "I'd like that," Regan said with a grin. "Oh! The paper! I'll get it
( ... )
When Regan slipped her shoes on and ran out the door to get the paper, Wesley shook his head and smiled - he knew that using her powers took a lot of energy out of her, but she seemed to have bounced back. He hadn't had a chance to ask her if she was sore or still hurting in anyway. He definitely was - crashing into that Io'ic demon had been like crashing into a brick wall
( ... )
Regan nodded at her dad’s question. “She was at the end of the driveway. She knew about my powers, and talked about how tall I’d gotten,” she explained as she sat down beside her dad. She was eager to open the book and look through it, but her father had taught her to never open up things she didn’t know anything about
( ... )
When Regan told her what the girl had said about his and Fred's soul, Wesley blinked, his throat tightening. He had always felt a connection to her, had believed that what they shared went far deeper than just what they shared in this life, which was why her death had hit him so hard. Especially when he had found out that her soul had been destroyed. He had felt like a part of him had been torn away
( ... )
When her dad said there was a teenage girl in the picture, Regan shook her head. "No, there's a little girl," she said again. "You need to get your glasses on dad because..." She trailed off when he mentioned his sister and how the girl looked like her. Then, he pulled her arm over and she saw it too. The mark of the Soul Guardians
( ... )
Wesley found himself staring at the girl on the screen. Despite what his daughter said, that was no child - that was a teenager and it looked like his sister. He didn't understand why, but there it was. As Regan started talking about some boy she had known in the dimension she had been taken to live in after she had been rescued from Lilah, he continued to look at the image
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Regan looked at the books and notes on the table. She'd never really helped with researching before and didn't know where to start. When her dad asked about soul guardians, Regan nodded. That was a question she could answer
( ... )
As his daughter spoke, Wesley jotted notes about the Soul Guardians for reference later. He knew a bit, of course, from his readings over the years and from the demon who had raised her and brought her back to him and Fred. Mainly, though, that had been in regards to protected souls being those people found worthy and still needed. He hadn't realized that someone needed to die in order for a person's soul to be brought back, but thinking about it in regards to Angel, it made sense.
Angelus killed the gypsy girl, and Angel's soul was returned. Angelus killed Jenny Calendar, and Willow was able to re-ensoul him. Angelus killed Lilah Morgan, and again, his soul was able to return, this time by Regan, acting as his guardian.
He didn't like the idea that someone had to die for Fred to be back, however. Unless it was Illyria. Would killing her count, he wondered? She--it was connected to Fred - it was residing in her body, so would killing her work? He knew they needed to do more research to find out because they didn't even know
( ... )
As her dad spoke, Regan nodded and looked at the map he’d called up. She’d never been to England before, even though she really wanted to go in the past. Her dad had always told her they would someday. It looked like that someday was coming sooner than they thought. “I guess we need to find the spell then,” she said as she picked up another book and started to look through it
( ... )
When Regan brought a fresh cup of tea to the table for him, Wesley looked up at her with a grateful smile. "Thank you, sweetheart," he told her. He was starting to feel the effects of having spent so long researching, and he was sure she was too. It was never easy to focus so long, and he was used to it. It was even tougher considering what was at stake, which was part of why he didn't want to give up until they had all the answers.
Looking at what Regan showed him, he nodded when he saw what indeed appeared to be the spell that he would have to say when Illyria was killed in order to bring Fred back. There was still the question of how to kill it, though.
Then Regan read the passage below the spell out loud. The child of the one infected will be the one who kills Illyria. The child of the one infected
( ... )
Regan tightly held to her father. She felt the energy in her building up and her body started to tremble a little. Taking a deep breath, she pushed it down just as her dad started talk. She turned her head and looked down at the book before nodding. She remembered Giles telling them about the scythe
( ... )
As he held Regan, Wesley felt her starting the tremble and knew that she was fighting to keep herself under control, so he just held her tightly and just continued to talk to her. He didn't want to put her more on the edge by drawing attention to it, so he let her deal with it, and soon, her trembles began to lesson
( ... )
Sex? Regan tilted her head a little and was about to ask her father what sex really was. She knew it was something two people did but that was it. But, her dad looked really flustered so she decided to just make the phone call. "And you should like Spike. He's cool because he reads 'Harry Potter'! What other reason would he call you Percy for?" she asked before she slipped into the living room
( ... )
Angelus killed the gypsy girl, and Angel's soul was returned. Angelus killed Jenny Calendar, and Willow was able to re-ensoul him. Angelus killed Lilah Morgan, and again, his soul was able to return, this time by Regan, acting as his guardian.
He didn't like the idea that someone had to die for Fred to be back, however. Unless it was Illyria. Would killing her count, he wondered? She--it was connected to Fred - it was residing in her body, so would killing her work? He knew they needed to do more research to find out because they didn't even know ( ... )
Looking at what Regan showed him, he nodded when he saw what indeed appeared to be the spell that he would have to say when Illyria was killed in order to bring Fred back. There was still the question of how to kill it, though.
Then Regan read the passage below the spell out loud. The child of the one infected will be the one who kills Illyria. The child of the one infected ( ... )
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