In memoriam. Much as I wish it could be under different circumstances.
I'm still shaken by what happened. Everything about it. It was such a terrible thing to happen, and it really scared me. The thought that everything could completely crumble, in the span of a few hours.
He must have been in such pain. I was there, and I saw it, and... it was just so horrible. I still see it in my head, and it devastates me. Just like that, it happened. He had no idea, there was nothing he could do. There was nothing anyone could do. We were so weak. I can barely make sense of it.
And just like that... he's gone. This poor, innocent little creature. He barely had any chance to experience the fullness of life, and his ended painfully and tragically. We let him down, so badly. We are so sorry. I hope he can forgive us.
All four puppies. He's the one on the right.
I accidentally used the flash for this one. Camera-shy, I guess.
So cute. Those are the floppies we use for our camera.
He was probably trying to chew on my jeans in this picture.
And this one, also.
Fighting with my other male, who is all white and black and brown and grey. They all bite a lot.
I will see you... in the next life.