May 10, 2005 01:13
I can't sleep right now and it's really annoying. Ideally, I'd like to fall asleep and wake up to the girl of my dreams! Realistically, I'd just like to fall asleep as soon as possible so I can wake up earlier. I have a chemistry test tomorrow, which I haven't studied for at all. I've been studying for the math test that I had today, well yesterday now I suppose. Looked at the answer key after I was done and I think at the lowest I got a 'B,' but I think I should have got an A. I mixed up an arithmetic equation with part of a half life question. Then totally botched up another equation, where I knew it didn't look right, but didn't take the time to remedy. I was the first one done and the rest of the class was on page two of four.
With luck the more I type the sleepier I'll become. Screw it, I'll just study pH, pOH, and Hydronium ions now until I can fall asleep easily. I suppose the reason it's hard for me to fall asleep is due to my lack of preparation for this upcoming test.