Ficlet: Words of Wisdom

Apr 29, 2014 11:13

Title: Words of Wisdom
Author Ani_bester
Characters: Jim and Toro
Rating: G
Words: 350
Warnings: Spoilers for upcoming All New Invaders Issues
Notes: I have so much faith in Marvel I am already writing Fix-It Fic! XD

Jim sat on the ground close enough to put his arm around Toro’s broad shoulders. “You know,” Jim said even though Toro did not turn to look at him. “This was easier when you were smaller. Do you recall being so small you fit easily into my lap on that worn chair in my apartment. I do not think we would both fit now.”

“I remember.” Toro turned now and for a moment Jim thought he would move out of the embrace, but he did not. “Jim, I’m not in the mood for memory lane.”

Jim nodded, and pushed memories of a time when Toro almost never called him Jim away. “I thought to come and tell you something a wise person once told me when I was troubled by my own non-human status.”

Toro sighed deeply, and now did squirm out from under Jim’s arm, fixing Jim with a sullen look. But he stayed, and he tilted his head. Jim took that to mean he could continue.

“I was told, when similarly troubled that -and I quote- ‘it does not fucking matter what my insides are if I’m a good person with good friends.”’ Jim paused and waited. After a pause, Toro rolled his eyes and shook his head, groaning.

“I said that to you when I was fourteen.”

“And they were wise words that I have thought on frequently when bothered by being an android, so I thought I would remind you of your own wisdom.” He saw a faint twitch to Toro’s lips, something trying to press past the defeated, sullen look he’d adopted since learning he was an Inhuman. “May I also share something else that you are and that has not changed.”

Toro sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “Sure, Jim.”

Jim put his arm back around Toro and pulled him close against his side. “You are, and always will be, my son.”

He felt Toro go very still for a split second, then he placed a trembling arm around Jim. “Thank you, pappy,” he whispered.

“Anytime, lad.” Jim put his hand over Toro’s. “Absolutely anytime.”
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