Title: Captain America and the Howling Commandos: 1943-1945
Rating: G
Genre: humor, romance-y
Fandom: Marvel (mostly movie!verse)
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Summary: "Subtle about what?" Bucky asked, peering sleepily at the cover: Captain America and the Howling Commandos: 1943-1945 by Fredick Williams. "Us? And why're you reading that? You were there."
"Yeah, us," Steve agreed. "And because I 'm curious about how they see us these days. Wanna hear the section I was reading? It's kinda long."
Warnings: nothing really, aside from a little suggestiveness and maybe a tad bit of old people!awkwardness about the subject of homosexuality from Morita.
A/n: Slightly edited since I posted it there, but this is for a
capkink prompt: In the modern world, history authors realize that when Captain America's only special request was that a certain James Buchanan Barnes was always stationed with him, it strongly suggested homosexuality. Explore this in any way at all. I just want to see something where Steve is recognized as a hero and understood to be homosexual. Steve can read it modern day, an Avenger can read it as they wait for him to thaw, it can be an awesome piece of the history book, whatever! Go nuts, Anon! =)
Also, thank go to
cat_13145 for inviting me to post this here. :3
Steve hummed and settled against the pillows as he flicked the page over, jostling the bed. Bucky rolled over and cracked an eye to glare at him. )