I've been answering some questions about Toro over on Tumblr, and thought I'd post the answers here too, just cause :)
(Notes" this isn't the only version I have for Toro. I don't usually have a set headcanon. Characters can be very flexible in my mind because I think there are many interesting possibilities and sometimes explore contradictory one sin different fics I write ^^. So this is just one specific headcanon I have ^^
So there was a lit of number with specific question relating to characters and Anshinwrites on Tumblr gave me specific Questions (Also for Bucky, but I still need to write his up)
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
TV watching. He likes Westerns a lot and would waste an entire day watching nothing but Westerns. He feels guilty if he does it, so he tries to only do it with other people. If he can persuade Bucky to sit down and relax and watch something, than it’s not wasting time, it’s helping a friend.
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Flying. It is as thrilling as the first time he flew and he uses any excuse to fly somewhere. having to sty off the radar when he first came back because of Norman Osborn and Hammer drove him batty. It’s exhilarating for him and when he flies he doesn’t dwell on his worries or insecurities.
21. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
He’d start to burn them in different ways. Usually when he’s bored he’ll start small fires he can control. He likes to watch things burn, but tens not to say that out loud because the usually portrayal of that is a crazed arsonists, and he’s not like that. He likes to watch things burn when it’s harmless and pretty, not when it’s causing mass destruction and a threat to lives.
32. Concept of home and family?
Family and home are very much what you make of them. Who ever loves him and will stay with him, and his therefore him is family. Home is where those people are. Jim and Anne are the two main family people in his life now. And his parents at the circus were also family; in fact, he stayed very connected with them all through his life and loosing that connection between his death and Resurrection was one of the hardest parts of coming back to life.
In one of my headcanons for him (I have several ^^) he’s in a polyamours/family relationship with Bucky, Natasha, and Anne (Steve, Sam, and Tony are also included in that, but Toro’s relationship with them is different than with the others, and closer to his relationship with Jim. He doesn’t sleep with either Steve or Sam, but doesn’t mind that Bucky and Natasha do. He slept with Tony once because they were both alone for several days and wanted the comfort). Pretty much he just likes to feel loved and likes to know people are there for him if he needs them!
42. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
He made it through elementary and that was about it. He didn’t have formal education once he was with the circus. Jim did enroll him in school, and he went when he could but that was for less than a year before he fount himself in WWII.
Steve is the one who realized Toro was struggling to read and write and such and began to quietly pull Toro aside and Tutor him when he could. Brian Falsworth also noticed and helped. Toro was still shaky with the three R’s post WWII. He intended to finish his schooling but between being an All Winner, then kidnapped and brainwashed he didn’t manage to. And once Jim died, Toro stopped carrying and was mostly drunk and a bum before meeting Anne. She also tried to teach him, and she really helped improve his reading and his penmanship.
Because of all of this, he has a bias toward formal education, because he feels like self-education left him lacking in certain areas and it was a struggle to fill them in.
In modern times, he hasn’t really formed an opinion on formal education yet though.
If he had a kid and started looking at public schooling, I think he’d be inclined to home school. He’s against the **Xavier institute though because he sees it as self-imposed segregation.
43. Religion?
I don’t think he was overly religious growing up. I think he probably did Sunday church with his parents, but sense I like my headcanon of his parent dying when he was about 8 and then he was with the circus, i don’t think he had a particularly religious upbringing past that point. I think he and Jim might have tired church as a “let’s fit in” thing, but Christians were probably very anti-Jim, so that would be awkward.
I do think though Toro was with one of the more hippy type revival churches after marrying Anne (have you ever seen Godspell? Think that. Lot’s of singing and being barefoot and flowers). I don’t see her as pushing religion on him though, I think it was just what the did after being hippies and it was more of a community thing that a Christian Religious kind of thing. I don’t think he has a lot of direct exposure to non christian religions either, hence the default. In modern times though, I don’t really see him going to Church of holding to any strict faith. Most likely he is agnostic when it comes right down to it. He will pray though when he feels very helpless.
**I’ve actually got some interesting thoughts on Toro and relations with the X-men. I thin he honestly would not agree with a lot of how Scott and Emma handle things, and I think he wouldn’t really like Emma much.
But also there’s a guilt aspect. Because I write him as apoliticaly active hippy and involved in fringe groups and anti-establishment stuff, I thought, will it would make sense if he was involved with Mutant rights. But, with marvel moving the X-Men up in the timeline, that leaves Magneto’s Brotherhood as one of the early pro-mutant groups, and I think it makes sense they'd approach Toro and Toro would be interested(because I don't think they called themselves "evil Mutants, except maybe as a joke XD) So I thought it would be interesting to have had Toro involved with the brotherhood thinking it just a political group, and sorta backing the hell away when they became more violent (which caused problems. Also I think from the get go, there’s be tensions between teh brotherhood and Toro being married to a normal human).
But wake up in modern times and find out just how horribly far Magneto went and Toro is just humiliated by the association, so part of why he avoids the X-Men is he's afraid someone will remember him.
I’ve got a fully formed fic on this in my head it just needs to be written. Also in my head canon it’s Kate Bishop who finds this all out.