Dec 27, 2004 18:42
Yesterday Ingrid Bernie and I went shopping.We all bought corsets, now we can be corset sisters forever!We went to the drive-in...for free.We parked in an empty lot next to it and found the radoi stations so we could watch it.We watch Meet The Fockers.The frist part of the movie was kinnda stupid, it was all about homos and ass fucking and adoptied love children, have no problem with, but when you dedcate an entire begining of a movie to it....
There were a lot of cops driving down the highway,there were also hobos on a train, it was awesome.Ingrid and I just spent about 3 hours at Walmart(Yeah I know its horible) we got danty under garments.( as if we didn't have enough alraedy)
We should stop shopping.