quiz quiz quiz..

Feb 06, 2006 20:13

ah... i got one of these again in my email, from sianathon. thought i'd pass it along...
any takers?

actual update-
i trimmed the rabbit's nails today and when i was doing the last nail, she tried to jump back in her box and i accidentally cut the wick and her foot bled all over my pants. ew.

ok that's all that happened today.


1. What time is it? 6:44pm

> 2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Veronica Ann Phillips-Hanson
> 3. Nickname(s):veronimoh, v-ron, ronny, vee, vern, pony, woonica
> 4. Piercing: navel- done while going to u of m but drove 4 hours to see dorian in ohio so he could peirce it?
> 5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? Harry Potter en de vuurbeker
> 6. Eye color: Green/Gray
> 7. Place of birth: Oceanside, California
> 8. Favorite Food: well it used to be sushi... until new year's... :-/
> 9. Ever been to Africa: not yet, but I sure feel like i have sometimes :-)
> 10. Ever been toilet papering: Yeah, Mere's old house
> 11. Loved someone so much it made you cry: I don't think i even know anyone who could say no to this question
> 12. Been in a car accident: Umm...not while i was IN the car... i WAS however hit as a pedestrian as so many of you may recall...
> 13. Croutons or bacon bits: neither- crutons hurt my mouth and bacon is too salty
> 14. Favorite day of the week: Friday- can't argue
> 15. Favorite restaurant: Pei Wei
> 16. Favorite sport to watch: I'm not really much of a spectator...i guess boxing?
> 17. Favorite drink: blueberry martini evidently...
> 18. Favorite ice cream: peanut butter chocolate
> 19. Disney or Warner Brothers: Fuck em
> 20. Favorite fast food restaurant: I don't really do fast food- stuff out of the freezer is nice. but i'm willing to wait for food as long as i'm no the one cooking it
> 21. What color is your bedroom carpet: here? well... neutral. beige. blah...
> 22. How many times did you fail your driver's test: I can't drive
> 23. From whom did you get your last email: aap.je
> 24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: god i don't even want to think about what would compell me to do such a thing...
> 25. What do you do most often when you are bored: interneting for weird stuff, make lists, build stuff... just....miscellaneous...stuff
> 26. Bedtime: anytime between 8 and ...never? well on the weekends
> 27. Who will respond to this the quickest? mmm.... mother?
> 28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to
respond? andy
> 29. Who are you most curious about their responses to this
> questionnaire? sydney
> 30. Favorite TV Shows: nip/tuck, futurama
> 32. Ford or Chevy: I can't drive :-(
> 33. What are you listening to right now? My hostfather trying to get the kids to brush their teeth
> 34. What is your favorite color: Green!
> 35. Lake, Ocean, or River? Ocean
> 36. How many tattoos do you have? None actually
> 37. R&B or Rap: ugh...yuck...well i guess rap- sounds better with a nice techno beat over it though...
> 38. Cat or dog? both r good.
> 40. How many people are you sending this to : not sure... i think i check my address book in yahoo and then also post it on livejournal

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