Aug 04, 2004 19:40
...Trying to get something set up to grab me a snapshot of the company's current codebase, and build it, overnight. Well, a subset thereof, since I'm only really going to be working on the backend for the forseable future.
This is nice and easy, in almost all regards. Specifically: Getting the blasted thing to actually build. This was mostly a problem with a mess of undocumented dependencies, and total lack of familiarity with the system, but is now resolved.
The term 'deep end' has been applied to where I am right now, by several people. It started with a conversation (on my second morning) along the lines of "DiSH isn't working - it's refusing to hand out licenses properly." "Want to fix it?" "Erm.... okay...".
I'm in a position to attempt just that tomorrow. Which is good.
Oh yes, as a probational employee (i.e. one of less than 3 months), my door dongle thing only works between the hours of 9:30 and 6:00 - my working hours. Fine, unless I happen to turn up early, or something. The general consensus on this one seems to be 'turn up at 9:35 every day, then' so I shall.
In other news, repeatedly firing off 10 minute builds has let me iscover the joys of the toy in the kitchen: A fully functional, freeplay, pinball machine. Those things are actually about three orders of magnitude cooler than the computer versions.
Off in a hurry - my mother is having a birthday meal.