Jan 22, 2007 20:32
firstly, it has been confirmed that a ballerina-girl is not required for the lifeskills camp tee design, so i'm happy.
now, mrs audrey ting says that this year the focus is not on looking glam and parading your clothes and assets, but instead will focus on hosting manners and how we instigate proper, polite conversations with people like adults. Yes. Like when we host a party, what must we do to keep the guests entertained, or something like that.
this means no catwalk and little emphasis on the makeup, dolling-up and gowns and heels.
We will be paying for sessions on the 'hosting' bit and all, after a two-day career guidance thing. Form teachers will be tagging along.
i think.
Was talking to YangZi and Mish about this on the bus today, damn fun :)
New Zealand Promotional Powerpoint is due in 9 days, people! DDDD:
FM Radio might be changing its name soon.
Oh, and dad wants me to comb my hair properly from today onwards, so I might come to school tomorrow looking different, maybe.