Another post.

Jul 09, 2008 21:46

Term Exam grades: S A D D D. (respectively Econs, Art, Geog, Math, GP.) ahaha.
Ah, but 87.3% for Art was better than I expected, I suppose (:

I've kinda been in an emo mood these past few days. Kinda. But thank goodness there are people out there who really know how to cheer me up (: thank goodness, and thank God.

Hiked over to Shao's place on Monday to celebrate Char (and Louise's) birthday.
Stepping into the living room and being greeted by seven familiar faces is one of the things that really made my day. All I did was look around and think, man, these are the guys I've known for so long, these are the people that have been with me through life's ups and downs, circles and triangles, etc. etc.. It was great to see everyone back together, fooling around and talking crap and watching weird movies on Shao's very very nice TV screen. Didn't do much, but sat there enjoying the company.
Just like old times.

Walking back towards the MRT station with an awesome friend I have known for 7 years was nice too.
(but she was lazy and decided to take a cab in the end. It was getting late, after all.)


Anyways, life goes on! I will work hard for my promos, and that's a promise (: It's never too late. As Mafia-Boss BaoBao says, we all take some time to integrate into the JC system, of course some get it faster then the others. Thankyou, baoBao. now let's pon CCA tomorrow together, for once :D

to the rest of you in Hwach: I'm really glad for those of you who did well for your blocks, great job and keep it up! (: For those who might not have, don't fret, stop emo-ing, and look to the promos. There's always a bright side, you know? You guys taught me that.

On a lighter note, the next time we have any gatherings please please please remind me to teach you guys the McDonalds game! No one seems to have heard of it, ahaha. Crashed my classmates' lit class (teacher didn't appear) and gideonYap taught us all how to play and we spent a whole 40 minutes ROFL-ing and LMAO-ing and LOLLOLLOL-ing all the way. It was awesome :D I won twice! Heh heh heh.


Woo! :D Now, off to do math tutorials. ):

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