It's that time again. "Already" you ask, your little eyes full of stars? "Yep", I answer, my eyes full of sleep. It only seemed shorter this time because I uploaded last week's episode three days ago.
So our saucy snoop is back already with two new adventures. One, Threesome, that has got to be the title that sent my imagination soaring at its highest only to send it plummeting back down in less than three minutes. That's right. Just a little over 2:30 worth of Kalinda in that one. Ah but quantity does not equal quality and we get at least one kickass little scene. Check it out.
Two, Lifeguard. Very Kalinda-intensive even if it's slightly under 10 mn in length. They HAD to redeem themselves after two weeks of Kalinda-dry (mmm... does that come in a can?) episodes.
She's sexy, she's smart, she's snarky, she's just a little scary, she's got the best metaphors ever and she knows how to manipulate men into submission. What's not to like?
The In-House - Threesome
... in which Kalinda picks a lock with a paperclip (handy!), offers to open a big can of whupass on Amber and Alicia pisses everyone off by refusing.
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The In-House - Lifeguard
... in which Kalinda shuts up Statboy with one glance, meets with a mysterious cop for a night-time chat, explains patiently that higly volatile flammable gas and Italian pasta don't mix and gets to play a little Will before working with the Bossman for a bit.
Click to view
So now hit the comment button and answer me these (you know you want to):
- Who was disappointed when Kalinda didn't get to kick Amber Madison's much strutted ass in Threesome? Show of hands, please.
- What's the story with Detective Frank? Anyone else wants him back?
- Who wished that friendly wind blew up Kalinda's skirt in that last scene of Lifeguard?
Oh you're watching it a second time now, eh? lol Made you look :D