Sep 27, 2009 00:21
So, Friday-Saturday I'd had a "failed induction" - and was sent home. Sunday night I lost my mucous plug, and Monday morning I had a routine(ish) OB appointment. Because I was at 41 weeks, my OB insisted that we do a Non-Stress Test to check on baby. Unfortunately, I hadn't eaten all day and the baby had a couple of decelerations during the NST. So, off to the hospital I was sent. (But I made a pit-stop at home and had a good breakfast).
By the time I got to the hospital and was hooked up it was nearly 1pm. No more decelerations. But the ultrasound showed that my fluid was low. So, my OB decided to try induction - again.
I was taken to the labor and delivery room - and Pitocin was started (again). After that, things are kind of a blur. Jonathan and I were there alone, as we expected things to progress very slowly - and we could call our families when things got closer. The contractions I'd had on Friday were painful - but not nearly as painful as the contractions I experienced Monday evening. Demerol helped the first time - not at all the second time - and when I was in tears and only 2 cm dialated - I caved and asked for an Epidural.
The anestisiologist came in (and was a complete asshole). I was terrified. It was actually less painful than the IVs and blood pressure cuff!
Shortly after recieving the Epidural, my waters broke - and they were stained with meconium. After ward, several nurses tried to insert a catheter into my uterus (I can't even remember why) - but without success. And then, Thomas' heart rate began to decelerate again.
So after laboring for 13 hours or so - I was prepped for an emergency c-section. It was around 5 am.
Everything was very surreal and dreamlike. A nurse from the NICU introduced herself and said that she was there because the baby was in distress, and may need to be taken away. Jonathan met me moments later in the operating room. Lots of pulling and tugging. Burning in my chest. Baby out. I looked up at the asshole anestisiologist (Daniel) and said, "I feel like I might faint, Daniel. Is that normal?" He says it's normal and that he's giving me something for that. A nurse asks if Jonathan should go with Thomas or stay with me. I feel like I'm losing it. "Go with Thomas." The next thing I remember was something like dying. Several layers of something...
And then I'm in the labor and delivery room again. Jonathan has the baby. His mom and dad are there - and my Nanny. I was so hopped up on Ketamine at this point...
A nursery nurse kept insisting that I feed Thomas - or they were going to have to give him formula. I couldn't stop shaking - I finally yelled at her that he did not need formula - his stomach was no bigger than an almond - and he could wait! Wait he did - and we had no problems nursing (until we developed thrush weeks later - which is another story).
Thomas' cord was wrapped around his neck, arm, and leg. He was not coming out on his own. Oddly enough, learning this made me feel a bit better - not so much like a failure. Recovery sucked. And I'm still upset about the Ketamine - apparently I "freaked out" and started screaming in the operating room, and they felt that I needed to be sedated...
Thomas is awesome. And is waking up now, so - gotta go. Hope to post more later.
the crazy