Mar 15, 2005 20:05
URK sums up my current problems,
As you all know I'm engaged in a protracted and seemingly unmoving war with the Admin at this University over my placement as a first year..
I have done two years of University prior to my attending Stirling and would like to recieve more than two credits for my work during such time... I would not mind my placement and would relish the chance to review and refresh my knowledge save for the fact that I am paying about 7,660 pounds in tuition alone to be here a year.. The average Scottish student pays nothing its all states sponsored with the exception of living costs and a graduation fee... The English and EU students pay about 1550 pounds tuition yearly..
So as much as I enjoy sitting and listening to something I've already learned two years ago and nevermind the knowledge of but have also had practical application of which its too expensive to remain here for three years...
I love it to bits, I've never been as happy and probably not as at home as I'll be anywhere else..
I've got a great bunch of friends here and for the most part my classes are interesting, I'm not here to study Scottish History though I'm here for Film and Media I've done two years of classes already enough to get all my filler classes out of the way at least... At this rate I will not even touch a camera till late next year....
This is unacceptable, I've spent all week battling with this (Again its been going on for months),
Fresh rounds of emails to everyone I think can help me, meetings beign set up, and applying for other Universities as well just in case....
Its frustrating as hell though and I don't want to leave so I'm not really progressing as quickly on other applications as I could be ... Could I imagine myself stuck at Webster after being at Stirling????
The proper trailer for Star Wars Episode III is out now and I do think you should check it out,
A. I'm thinking of removing someone from my friend's list haven't heard from her in a long time despite knowing each other well in HS..... if you're LJ name starts with an L please let me know if you want me to keep you friended?
B. Ovidious are you still up for Rock Night on Friday?
I think you and the GF would get a kick out of it majorly....
Have to talk to becca about the people and planet letter thing but I'm going to wait a bit on that as I have spent all evening writing emails to the Uni and don't feel like a serious discussion ATM...
Classes are done for the day, At least got some sleep last night which is unusual...
Haven't heard from my family in the RSA in some time but it is a Sad time right now for all of them the reasons which I'll not share.
My mother is freakign about the whole Uni thing... Don't blame her I am too
I'll go call her latter tonight (if the bloody phone works)
Anyways I'm off for the now
not going out tonight already been at the pub, but do feel like doing something different for once.....
P.S what is with LJ and the Zerosized reply message when it won't post ????? I'm getting irked..