Well I understand the resident stoners of my hall enjoy the odd spliff and smoke out, I would like them to grasp the following concepts
A. If you are smoking more than a joint a day (even if only that much) and cannot go a day without saying man I need a smoke then you are probably one of the few people that actually gets addicted to Weed (more likely on a mental level)
B. If you have been caught by the meanest of all the Porters, and then in some unfathomable gesture of mercy let off without being expelled/put under arrest.. Then you should probably not smoke in the Room he caught you in while he's on duty...
C. when violating common sense rule B you shouldn't have on super LOUD music at 1AM
D. The smoking sessions you do have should probably be conducted with less than eight people in the room at a time as the noise these large amounts of people generates bring up hall assistants
E. your room nevermind the whole corridor should not smell like Pot when you aren't smoking
F. for goodness sake you should not spend every cent you have on reefer and then expect me to loan you 50 quid to use for concert tickets (hmm concert got cancelled but I used the money on guess what)
I'm liberal in this sense, I don't think Weed is as evil as it is made out to be, I would never try it not because I'm an uptight square (that goes without saying) but because I wouldn't want to end up as the 1 out of 50 who end up like the examples I left above... The exceptions that prove the rule so to say...
Frankly I think it takes up too much law enforcement time, tax payer money, and bores the hell out of me in Dare programs. Everytime I come to the opinion one way or another on the matter something like the above comes to light...
I decided to put a few photos up of my mates here on my yahoo photos account mainly just so you can all get a peek of life here. The pics are a bit big (haven't photoshopped em yet) and I'll probably take em all of and redo the album soonish but in the meanwhile heres the link give it a look and let me know what you think
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/duarj/album?.dir=/a343 I'm off for now,
Oh PS Ovidious you happen to have a digitalized copy of me at Doune castle? If so could you email it to my gmail account.. Cheers