(no subject)

Feb 06, 2006 01:56

Okay so the count down has begone and is now at 4 DAYS TIL MY WEDDING!!!!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT!?!?!!! In less than a week I am going to be Mrs.Amanda Chavarria. Its going to take me a while to get use to that.. My whole life is going to change... It is going to be so strange! I am almost done w/ everything, I know I keep saying that but stuff just keeps popping up.. sigh. itll all get done. Tomorrow me and Robert are going to get our marriage license. I am going to miss school for like a week and 1/2 it is going to suck getting caught up on everything. Last week it was all school stuff that I did turning in photo well, it was supposed to have been tuesday, but ended up being thursday and me staying up at the school til 330a, wed. was computer imaging and that was three assignments, and thurs was printmaking which i stayed at the school til 11p finishing wed. I am so tired, excited, stressed, worried, trying not to worry, scared, happy, sad to leave my family, nervous, and a ton of other thing right now. The other night(Friday) was roberts bachelor party and he had pretty much everyguy hes known there, as a gift to me he had the idea to wax his chest and the guys being guys did it completely the way the instructions told you not to do it. lets just say he is now bruised, and somewhat patchy and bare.... That night I spent it w/ Annie, and Melissa and we had a spur of the moment/mini bachelorette party i guess you could say and I had a blast, I was feeling kinda bummed that nite and I happen to call Annie and yeah.. sorry I cant give details.

This past weekend my poopiehead came home and he will be at my wedding YAY!! Now my wedding is complete well almost if only my cousin could come home too that would be fantastic.

Friday (jan 27) i had my first bridal shower which was great,I received lots of awesome gifts and for some reason the guys were there too they just hung out in the lounging area while the party was going on, im still not sure why..,Saturday I had my second bridal shower it was so much fun I received so many things that we need because we dont have anything at all we are totally coming in w/ nothing but what we recieve and will still have to buy after the wedding.
I ask you guys to please keep Robert and I in your prayers as we become one in marriage. We dont live together so its totally two lives coming together and learning to becoming one in everything. Also pray that everything goes good at the wedding and that there is few to no mess ups.:/ Thankyou.<3
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