Jun 03, 2009 08:34
I know it's been 3 days old, but I've been watching it when I can. Let start with Halo ODST, It looks so cool. I can't wait to play and Halo Reach is promising. I know people say why doesn't Bungie work on something other then Halo. Though think about it, there are several stories that can be told. They made a universe and until you can't think of any more stories from it, it'll continue to survive. They have a team so it'll be a while. The splinter cell looks fun. I can't wait to try the new style they put into it.
Beatles rockband I'm going to get cuz it's fun and two I promise my mom to get it cuz she liked the Beatle music. I can't believe Xbox is going motion sensor. It's hard to believe I'll work, but can't down it till I try it huh? Project Natal is unique. It scans you and requized you when you turn it on. You really have to move to play which it isn't bad, but if you were my coworker yesterday who got burned bad from tanning.
She really didn't want to move that much, but came to work cuz it's self inflicted. Still poor gal, it was a really bad burn. Anyway the painting xbox should was okay, but since I draw and use the adobe programs it'll take a bit to get use to. The last part of the show was interesting, you meet Milo. It's kinda cool I want to try it. I want to go to the beta for it. Love the british accent from the gal, hehehe.
Next I'm going to watch the Nintendo presentation. Anyway I just notice after posting yesterday I have less then a month left till my birthday. I should work on my 3d project. I might post again later today.