(no subject)

Jul 07, 2007 20:29

First, it was the new Safeway by circle. Then the Home Depot, and the Carl's Junior. Now apparently we're host to Extreme Makeover, Home Edition?! What the fuck. I'm kind of sad the Extreme Makeover, Makeover Edition didn't work out as well as they had planned, this way there's less suffering and body mutilation. But blocking traffic is okay.

I live far enough away from town as it is, and regardless of which direction I leave there is a possibility that i can get stuck by a train. On school mornings off of pettibone on to highway 99 I sit at the stoplight three cycles, regardless of whether I am going straight, left, or right. Fucking school children. Then if I'm going to campus, I have to sit through traffic trying to get to either CHS OR CV, depending on which way I think I'll somehow succeed in making it to class on time. So now we will be having construction from Granger to 99 and Independence to 99, one week one way will be blocked, the next week, the next. And all during this time I will be subject to one-lane-at-a-time traffic from Mountain View School all the way up to Pettibone. I mean, its great and all they're fixing someones house, but don't be a jerk about it.

On the way home from Kmart tonight there wasn't any traffic and the film crew was done for the night, so we were driving slowly and noticed some big posters on the side of the road facing the street. Since no one was behind us, we stopped to read what the signs said, "blah blah blah if you come past this line you will be subject to being photographed..." and some asshole security dude driving a van the other way honked at us and told us to keep moving. WHAT THE HELL?! Do you put signs up on the street that people aren't supposed to read?! So anyway, I'm bent. And this whole traffic thing is really fucked up.

it seems like i'm always pissed off, but really, i'm not.
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