Extra Curricular

Mar 25, 2016 08:57

You can earn extra points by Entering other Icontests/challenges/20in20s/landcomms/battles/random icons etc. Basically, if you've submitted icons to anywhere else, you can post them here and get bonus points.

Each week we will have a Featured Challenge where you can get double points. This weeks Featured Comm(/s) are color_inspired

Points will count from Saturday to Saturday for the week

1. Points for icons include only original icons, no points for alt icons
2. Maximum 100 points per player submitted each month
3. Each icon in itself is worth 1 points as it has been submitted else where
4. Icons for the Featured Comm are worth 2 points
5. Submit a link to your comment/(s) here to make sure you receive those points.

I will post the featured comm each week to the main comm to keep you updated.

-extra curricular

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