Challenge 03: Sig Tag Requests

Jul 04, 2016 09:27

Challenge 03 Make Sig-Banners for each other! You can request up to 3 sig banners and fill up to 5 requests. In your request you can ask for a screencap, character, fandom, or subject etc. If you provide screencaps, make sure they are at least 720p. You can request whatever you like, just make it specific enough that someone who isn't familiar with the subject could still make a banner.

Sig banners are small banners (300x150-ish) that have your name/nickname & house. You can use them on challenge posts to identify yourself quickly :) You don't have to use them, though. I don't have any problem with you requesting banners for other communities if you would like.

to Request use the textarea:

Request #1
Request #2
Request #3

X - 5 points for your request post + 5 points for each banner you make (up to 30 points)
X - You can continue filling requests even if filled/you've maxed your points
X - Sig banners should be no more than 475px total
X - This challenge closes 16th July, approx Midnight EST.

-round two, -challenge

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