Dec 04, 2012 17:45

Lads and Ladies! I apologize for having to present you with a King's Speech already but I just need to pass this PSA.

Due to there seeming to be a maximum amount of pigeons I can send off in a given day (pigeon labor laws, who knew such a thing existed?!) there may be a possibility that your bag will be sent through a comment. You will be replied to with a generic comment that reads:

Greetings, adventurer! This is a temporary comment which will be edited in a few short moments to include your mystery bag! If you have any troubles receiving your bag through this method please let me know through the question thread above or the new comment I will leave you at your thread.

The comment will then be screened and edited to include a link to your mystery bag. Provided you receive LJ notifications via e-mail all should be well but should you not be able to access your bag then please send me a message or reply to my (unscreened) comment.

Thank you for your patience, adventurers! I most certainly hope you enjoying your bags!

As a reminder, one day is left for you to throw your name into the ring for apprenticeship. :{D



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