Stolen from friends page

Oct 18, 2007 18:19

All of mah anime / FANDOM lovinz

Its not all anime I HAVE TO WARN YOU

Some if it is craaack

Pretty much anything I have ever read/shipped

Death Note:
Main ships: MelloxNear, MattxNear, MattxMelloxNear, LightxL. Sadly I follow cannon.
Of course its at the top! My current OT-fandom, I'm sure all of my friends are a bit sick of hearing about it but YOU KNOW WHAT, THEY NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT NARUTO/RP/WHATEVER THE HELL so they can stfu >o>. What can I say about DN...? Well, how about we ask an easier question... what bad things can I say about DN? VERY LITTLE. A bit sick of the fandom (and the anime) because HELLO, PEOPLE, L IS NOT THE -ONLY- MAIN CHARACTER. And if I have to hear one more bad thing about Near I think I'll go emo in my room ;3; YES I KNOW NEAR IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, I LOVE HIM ANYWAY. LIGHT IS AN ASSHOLE TOO BUT YOU PEOPLE DON'T PUT HIM DOWN.

Digimon 04
Main ships: Bends all over the yaoi spectrum. Takoukou, Koukou, Takouji, Junji, GrotomonxKouji I FAIL FOR THAT ONE ;3;
I remember summer time up in Seattle, sitting around and WAITING WAITING for the episode of this season where Kouichi showed up because I WAS SO EXCITED and then mom decided we had to go somewhere and I MISSED IT. I wanted to cry like a tard but I was like 14 so it was okay then ;3; Man, I love watching this series over and over and ovverrr, it goes from 0 to gay in one fucking episode I swear to god. The twincest is just so cannon that I squeal whenever I watch the episodes they removed from the American version for being 'too gay'.
And yes, Seki dear, I know I'm ruining your childhood. xD ♥

Digimon 01/02
Main ships THIS LIST IS NEVER ENDING Daiken Taito Takari Yamakeru Takeori Somi Jyoushiro WORMMONxKEN Osaken PRETTY MUCH ANY FORM OF KEN OR YAMATO RAPE
Ohhhh Digimon 01/02, probably a bit less gay then 03 but I do love it so much ;3; NOT AS MUCH AS 04 MIND YOU but still, Ken is just soo cute even if he is a bit emo, and Yamato's got the prettiest voice of any digimon character ;3; well, except maybe Mimi. I love 02 to death because it's got all the 01s in it as well, plus angsty Ken and Wormmon and I am a tard but I DON'T CARE

Digimon 02
Main ships uh, anything with Kenta or Jenrya
I HAVEN'T EVER SEEN AN EPISODE OF THIS. I saw the movie though, and I've seen fanarts but I've never read any fanfiction (written one, but never read any). Still, I think Kenta has to be the cutest of any Digimon character, but I have a thing for nerds >o>. Jenrya is kind of cute too but he's a little bit annoying.

Yami no Matsuei
Main ships TatsumixWatari, MurakixWatari, MurakixHisoka, TsuzukixHisoka, HisokaxHijiri
YAMI NOOOO omg, best anime in existence ;3; I wish I could buy and FINALLY read the manga but I can't afford it and there AREN'T SCANS FUCKING ANYWHERE. God, between the cannon gay and Watari's crazy ass this has got to be one of my top favorites. I love love love the scenes where Muarki kidnaps and tortures Hisoka because its just so -evil-, let alone the rape scene and oh, I am a horrible fan but I know I'm not the only one who lives for this type of shit. xD Watari's crazy inventions and his thrive for a sex changing potion also makes me squeal like a dumbass. ♥

Shaman King
Main ships YohxRen, HorohoroxRen, HaoxRen, HaoxYohxRen, REN LOVE, RyuxLyzerg, ChocolovexRen, YohxAnna (only sort of), AnnaxMari (I AM FUCKED UP)
Shaman kiiingu ;3; Oh, how I wish the manga was FINISHED ALREADY. There is a sequel but she never wrote the ending and the anime ending is just so ANNOYING. There's no Ren in it anywhere and I love him to pieces so that makes me sadddd. Ren has got to be my favorite character next to Near, I have a thing for jerks I know but Chinese boy just makes me squeal to death. That, and the fucking Hao scene where he tells Ren "I will have you." FAN SERVICE

Main ship KibaSasu
I HATE NARUTO NEXT PLZ. No, I used to like it but yeah, we won't discuss why I don't any more because I don't want to get into debates over crappy animes >>

Gundam Wing
Main shipping 1x2, 5x2, 3x4
GW is what got me into anime, and into Yaoi. In fact my email is the name of a GW ooc I made waaaay back when (I've had the same email since the age of 11), every so often I'll talk to my old friend from back then and we'll remember our lame GW days... xD I still read fics every so often but usually not because all my favorite ones were deleted >o> I actually hate Mecha anime, but GW has teh 5 hot piolet boys that are gay in my mind so I'm gooood.

Main Shipping KaixRen TakaoxMax
YES I FUCKING WENT THERE HELL YEAH >o> I love this show, lame top moves and all. Kai has to be the cutest neko-jin in existence and mind you I hate such things but he is so cute ;3; He's all yin and yanggy and whaaaaa I adore him. I feel like a stupid fangirl but I adore him >> Sam got me a lamp from Japan with Kai and Rei on it and I luv her for it <<

Main ships SetoxRyuuji JounouchixRyuuji HondaxRyuuji NoaxRyuuji (YES SRSLY) BakuraxRyuuji BakuraxRyou MalikxRyuuji MarikxMalik SetoxJyou SetoxRyou RyuujixRyou A LOT OF RYUUJI LOVE
RYUUJI IS MY BABY. He was the first character I ever fell in looove with (as in obsessed, not actually love), and I still adore him ;3; Dice, Sexy hair, sexy butt, sexy make up... HE'S GOT IT ALL. Except a lead roll in this god damn show. HE'S NO IN IT ENOUGH. And oh god, the first fandom I ever did 500+ something RPs for >> THINK OF ANY JOB, ANNNNY JOB AND I ROLEPLAYED IT AS RYUUJI I SWEAR >> (Even the tooth fairy)

Final Fantasy 7
Main ships RudexReno
"The breaking point", man I still love to go back and read that fic even if I never managed to finish it. Reno is just... sex on feet, I swear. Is it even possible for someone to be that pretty? Well apparently because he is (I know he isn't real but god I'd tap that <<).

Kingdom Hearts
Main shipping SoraxRiku (yes, Sora seme), LeonxCloud, AxelxDemyx
Kingdom Hearts 2 faaaailed, but anyway. Sora gets on my nerves, so does Roxas, but Riku is a hottie and where else can you get some good FF7xFF8 lovin? Also, Demyx is so win, I have a thing for water users but he's sooo cute, even if he has a mullet. I just wish there was more background on him or he was in the game more or something, but the fannon parts of him are adorable so I'm good.

Yu yu Hakusho
Main ships HieixKurama YuusukexKoenma (NEEDS MOAR LOVE) YuusukexKurama KuwabaraxKurama
Yu yu had such a disappointing end ;3; EVEN WITH THE CUTE KURAMA SCENES it's one of those animes that went from good to really bad. Still, Kurasu and his I LOVE YOU I KILL YOU obsession with Kurama makes for a good filling when I am feeling a bit of a yaoi-withdrawl.

Star Ocean End of time
Main ships AlbelxFayte

Main ships JCxLance
YES YOU FUCKING READ THAT CORRECTLY I SHIPPED NSYNC MOFOS. In fact, last summer I spent a week at my uncle's babysitting his dogs and I spent the entire time reading Nsync fanfiction, I actually kept track and I had about... 4,500 pages worth of fanfiction (copied and pasted into word without authors notes, bithes) that I read in 9 days. Do I regret it? Not a fucking bitch. At least its somewhat cannon, since Lance is gay. >>

Savage Garden
Main ships DanielxDarren (Darren is the uke you pussies)
My first real-live slash ;3; Can I help it, really? Darren used to be so pretty with his ukelicious black hair and Daniel's got the most beautiful god damn eyes and oh lord I wish this band was still together because their music was godly and they humped on stage and now Darren is married to some dude and it's NOT DANIEL I AM SAD ;3;

Linkin Park
Main ships MikexChester MikexRob BradxRob JoexMr.Froggy
DON'T SAY ANYTHING hfejkafa I used to love this band USED TO LOVE THEM TO MY VERY CORE SO MUCH PEOPLE AROUND SCHOOL KNEW ME AS THE 'Linkin Park girl' b-but when Chester's wife filed for divorce god they started to seriously suck, Fort Minor was okay but now... now I am so disappointed in them that I shun my fanfition and shun all my Linkin Park shit and I use my Linkin Park club T-Shirt AS A DUST RAG (okay maybe not that, but I am pretty upset)

Lord of the Rings
Main ships AragornxLegolas
Yes, I was in to LotR slash >> In fact I used to be a real tard for it but uh... I never read the books so I was a bit lost. Plus, I can only read so many Legolas-is-pregnant fanfics before the fandom starts to really bore me...

Harry Potter
Main ships HarryxDraco RonxHermionie RonxDraco DracoxPansy

Good charlotte
main ships BenjixBilly

There are uh LOADS more but I've run out of ones i can remember ^^;

Extremely long >>

, fandom, cannon, fannon

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