And here we are, T-minus 40 minutes until pack-that-shit-up-and-move-it-on. Lordy, there is something sacred about a team of folks boxing up your life while you hand out cold drinks.
I am nervous, but also kind of giddy.
Northampton's like going to camp and never coming back. With baby magazines!
La Nance has graciously offered to drive the Trail of Terror and Tears with me tonight, following the truck up there. That girl does not fuck around in the friend department.
I took a jaunt to Vegas this weekend, where the Walters cavorted over all-you-can-eat sushi, Blazing 7s slots, and lots and lots of free watery drinks. Even better than escaping New York City while pretending your entire life's about to change is doing all of that after you win $300 in nickels and then high-tailing to
a schmancy massage table while a cute chick rubs herbs and mud into your thighs and douses you in oil. Mmm.
I hear a dolly on the steps. Hot-cha, it begins.