Drabble: noiseless, like a bomb - Revolutionary Girl Utena

Aug 10, 2010 20:28

Title: noiseless, like a bomb
Author/Artist: hyena_gal 
Fandom: Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Pairing: Arisugawa Juri/Kaoru Kozue
Rating: G
Warnings: Homophobia
Request/Prompt: Stage for yuri_challenge 
Word Count: 300
A/N: I derived 'stage whisper' from the prompt. Ended up running with it.

"-- you've heard that Arisugawa-senpai likes *girls*?"

For a stage whisper it's unbearably loud, really. Draws more attention to it than a single booming shout ever would have, and Juri will never for the life of her understand people who stoop to that level.

Attention-seekers. It's pathetic.

Juri's never seen the student before standing in the middle of a crescent of her female friends, all of them turning their heads as one as she passes them, a scandalized cobra ready to strike.

The hushed conversation follows her down the long hallway. First when she's rounded the corner that she allows herself to unclench her hands, lean against the wall and close her eyes. Breathe in through the nose, slow and deep, twice.

Juri feels herself tense up before she registers who it is standing some distance from her.

"What do you want, Kozue-san?"

More a smirk than a smile from that tiny mouth, followed by a lazy shrug. The girl looks like the cat that ate the canary. "Thought maybe you would like some company."

"I'm not interested."

With her hands behind her back and an arched eyebrow, Kozue almost looks innocent. Pure deception.

"Funny. From what I've heard you *would* be."

All it takes for Juri to react. "Go away!" Won't have this.

Kozue simply blinks at her before tut-tutting. "So defensive." She takes a step. Then another. And another until she's pressed against Juri's side.

"Maybe I'm here to offer you something?"

"Which would be *what*, exactly?"

Juri's right hand is lifted. Held between small fingers. A small kiss dropped atop it.

"Consider it an invitation." Kozue winks at her, lets the hand drop and then she's off, sauntering around the corner.

Out of sight, and all Juri is left with is the imprint of those lips.

fandom: [anime] revolutionary girl utena, ... challenge, . genre: yuri/shoujo-ai, media: anime

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