-name. casey lynn
-age. sixteen
-where you at gangsta?. belchertown ma
-top 6 bands. way too many awesome bands but lately i've been listening to... the one am radio, remembering never, fugazi, neutral milk hotel , againstme!!!
-top 6 movies. fight club, clock work orange, high fidelity, dead poets society, zero, eraser head.
-why are you SO COOL? i can come on to someone in six different languages.
-bod mods?. my lip, and my ears
-promote to 1 place [
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=____gosh_ ]
-these are random. but. what do you think about....
george bush. im not to happy about it.
local bands. i've been supporting for sometime now... i love the local music scene.
ebay. ebay is awesome.
polka dots. are hawt.
myspace. yeah. i got one.
-3+ pics.
-anything else you'd like to tell us about you?
i play piano and keyboard. i like it. alot.