May 14, 2012 15:38

PASIV Aggressor's Masterpost Pt. III

26. The greatest preexisting fanvid.



1a. Jeffrey Kurland Costume QA (1/2)

1b. Jeffrey Kurland Costume QA (2/2)

2. Tactile by froda_baggins

3. I Don't Care About Anything (Keep Tryin') by phenylic; This is a story about fashion.

4. The Drag of Skin Against Skin [Art & Fic] by eternalsojourn & neomeruru; Arthur believes that anything worth doing is worth doing well.

5a. The cunning artifices of the wearer by sirona_gs; Arthur is not a petty kind of guy, he really isn't -- but a bet's a bet, and he can't wait to see Eames' gorgeous body draped to its every advantage. Besides, it would be a shame for all his beautiful choices to go to waste. He is not at all prepared for the way Eames takes to the experience.

5b. The cunning artifices of the wearer [Art] by emlyn2

6. Eames' Fucking Ace Plan or How Eames Finally Conned Arthur into Sleeping With Him by tourdefierce; Eames has feelings, there is a Five Step Plan (where Eames is awesome) and Arthur just fucking rolls with it.

7. Dry Clean Only by space_raider182; Arthur's been going exclusively to the dry cleaners down the street for six years, but sometimes he really has no idea why he keeps making himself put up with Eames's teasing so many times a week. A dry cleaners AU made of suit!porn.

8. Cuts [Art] by wheres_walnut

9. 10 Stylish Secrets from Behind the Scenes of Inception

10. white-collar crime by paxlux

29. Fanmix & Meta


Candidate: Gary Johnson
Views: Anti-death penalty, cynical towards bureaucracy, would apply Gary Johnson’s stance re: WikiLeaks to the exposure of dreamshare.
Canon basis: “Extradition between France and the U.S. is a bureaucratic nightmare.”

Gary Johnson on going after Julian Assange and WikiLeaks: "No, I would not. I think that they are the messenger, and that if it wasn't WikiLeaks it would be someone else. I wasn't really surprised at any of the information that has been let out. I haven't been made aware of any information that's been let out that's led to a loss of life..."

Candidate: Jon Huntsman
Views: Anti-monopolistic and alternative energies sentiments.
Canon basis [taken from script]: “Fischer Morrow has the regulators in their pockets. We're the last company standing between them and total energy dominance and we can no longer compete. Soon they'll control the energy supply of half the world. They'll be able to blackmail governments, dictate policy. In effect, they become a new superpower.”

Jon Huntsman on his energy policy: “We cannot simply drill our way to energy security; we also need to use the power of the marketplace. This means breaking oil's monopoly as a transportation fuel, and creating a truly level playing field for competing fuels.”

Candidate: Ron Paul
Views: Pro-guns and non-interventionist.
Canon basis: “Cobb, we should walk away from this.”

Ron Paul on individuals owning machine guns: "Whether it's an automatic weapon or not is, I think, irrelevant."

Candidate: Barack Obama
Views: Some moral qualms and hint at prison reform, justifies her not-strictly-legal dabble in dreamshare in a similar fashion to how Obama justifies his dabble with drugs.
Canon basis: “You think you can just build a prison of memories to lock her in? You think that's going to contain her?”

Barack Obama on his past: “In my book, I mention that I dabbled in drugs or that I was acting tough. I put that in there explicitly because what I wanted to communicate was the degree to which many young men, particularly young African-American men, engage in self-destructive behavior because they don’t have a clear sense of direction. But I also wanted to point out that there is way to pull out of that and refocus, and in my case, it was tying myself to something much larger than myself. In my case, that was trying to promote a fair and just society."

Candidate: Roseanne Barr
Views: Non-judgmental drug policy.
Canon basis:  “ARIADNE: And ten years in the third level.  Who wants to spend ten years in a dream?  YUSUF: Depends on the dream.”

Roseanne Barr’s drug policy: “I'm sick and tired of this ‘medical marijuana’ sham. All marijuana is medicinal and we have to stop pretending that there is some sort of moral superiority to calling some of it ‘medical.’ I will legalize all marijuana and all drugs in general. Drug education will be offered and treatment plans will be put in place for abusers. Sweeping the problem under the rug by turning non-violent abusers into criminals only exacerbates the problem by pretending that real solutions don't exist.”

Candidate: Newt Gingrich
Views: Thinking outside the box.
Canon basis: “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.”

Newt Gingrich on the Moon becoming the 51st state of America: "I want every single young American to say to themselves, I could become one of those 13,000 [Moon colonists], I can be part of building a bigger, better future, be part of a generation of courageous people who do something big and bold. We want Americans to think bolder about space and rebuild the country we love."


Candidate: Mitt Romney
Views: Flippant over money, can relate to Romney’s “unemployment” after the breakup of Fischer Morrow.
Canon basis: “There's 500 dollars in there. And the wallet's worth more than that.”
Mitt Romney: "I should tell my story.  I'm also unemployed."

Mal (the shade)
Candidate: Michele Bachmann
Views: Pro-torture.
Canon basis: “That depends on what you're threatening. Killing him would just wake him up... but pain? Pain is in the mind...”
Michele Bachmann on torture: “If I were president, I would be willing to use waterboarding. I think it was very effective. It gained information for our country.”


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