Aug 12, 2005 14:06
How many states have you lived in? 2, the natural and the show me
How many states have you traveled through/vacationed in? 137
Which state was/is your favorite? florida
You have two weeks alone (ALONE!) any place in the world. A deserted island in the pacific
What would you do? think
Where would you least like to live? On a farm
Why? Pigs smell funny
How old were you when you first moved out of your parents’ home? Uh…
Did you ever have to move back in? well…
How old were you when you thought you were "in love" for the first time? 13?
How old were you when you realized you hadn’t really been? 15?
How old were you when you really did fall in love? Uh…
What year did you get your first real job? I wouldn’t call babysitting a real job
How much was minimum wage? Its like 575 or something
What year did you graduate from high school? 2006
What was the theme song to your Senior Prom? I’m gonna go with Monica and say hammertime
"Jack and Diane" by John Mellencamp reminds you of: other things I’ve never heard of?
JFK’s assassination: ok captain random
MLK’s assassination: I saw that place in memphis
Ronald Reagan’s shooting: happened the year I was born…I think
The Space Shuttle explosion: shouldn’t have happened
O.J. Simpson’s Low Speed Chase: was pathetic
Princess Diana’s Death: is completely overblown
The Oklahoma City Bombing: not cool
Do you remember watching the first "Live Aid"?: no and I didn’t watch this one either
How many letters are in your name? 6
How many keys are on your keychain? 4
How many windows are in your home? 25
How many exterior doors are in your home? 3
How many cars have you owned? 1
How many states have you had driver’s licenses in? 1
How many e-mail addresses in your ‘primary’ e-mail account address book? Huh?
How many email accounts do you have? 1
What is the last book you read? for pleasure: Dark Nest. for school : I don’t remember
What are you currently reading? The paper
What do you plan to read next? Dunno yet
What was the last movie you watched alone? Starwars ep1
What was the last movie you watched with someone else? Fantastic four
What (if any) one television do you watch religiously every day/week? family guy
What (if any) is your favorite sport? kendo
What is your favorite musical? The one where everybody dies in the first act and we can all go home
Have you ever seen a live opera production? Once, I fell asleep
If so, which ones? I dunno, I was 3
What is your favorite opera? Die Valkuri is cool
Who is your favorite playwright? I’m gonna say shakespere…b/c I don’t don’t know of any others
What is your favorite play by him/her? Hamlet?
Who is your favorite poet? Robert Frost
What is your favorite poem by him/her? The Road Less Traveled…yeah it’s cliched but I like it
Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? Jim Gaffigan or Robin Williams
Which ‘Friend’ would you say you are most like? Defiantly Joey all the way
Who in ‘Mayberry’ do you have the most in common with? Opie!
Which of the two questions above was easiest to answer? The first one
How old are your parents? mom: 49 and 47
Are you missing any digits? Yeah, I was 17 but I lost the 1 somewhere…
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Both…at the same time
Dressing up for an evening out - no thanks
What do you use more of: Tape, Staples or Paper Clips? tape
Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator? Explorer
PC or Mac? PC
If PC: Windows, Linux, or Unix? Windows
Do you use paper towels or re-useable rags? Can it be both?
Ladies: Are your toenails painted? They’re black like my soul
Do you prefer showers or baths? Both at the same time…yes I can too do that!
Basic Stuff
1.What is your full name? Robery Lonnie
Saylors IV
2.Where do you live? Little Rock, Arkansas (I spelled it correctly, Alex.)
3.What are your hobbies? Reading, drawing, occasional writing, games, hanging out…and porn…wait no what?
4.What color is your hair? Brown with natural blond highlights
5.How tall are you? about 5'7" ish
Sports Stuff
1.What is your favourite sport to play? roshambeu
2.What is your favourite sport to watch? International fighting championships
3.What are your favourite sports teams? Packers, Cardinals, Rams
4.Who are your favourite athletes? Bobby Bushea and none other
5.Name all the sports that you have ever played. Basketball, Football, Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Swimming, frisbee, tea kwon do, water polo, wiffle ball, ping pong, pool, pinball, volleyball…oh wait do you mean like on a team?
Family Stuff
1. Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their names? Yeah, it’s Mimi
2. Are your parents together or seperated? together
3. Do you enjoy spending time with your family? sometimes
4.What is your favourite thing to do with your family? Family reunions
School Stuff
1.What is your favourite subject? Science
2.Do you enjoy goin to school? sorta
3.Who is your favourite teacher? Why? Coach Knight because he kicks ass
4.Who is your least favourite teacher? Mr. Coy
5.What is the best trip you have ever gone on with a school group? We went to the zoo once
Religious Stuff
1.Do you believe in god? yes
2.Do you go to church? yes
3.How many times a day do you pray? I dunno
4. How does your religion affect u? uh…
Time Stuff
1.What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time? See my hobbies
2.Do you have a lot of spare time? This summer I have
3.What do you spend most of your time doing? thinking
Friends Stuff
1.Who is your best friend? Kevin, Phil, Harry, Alex, you pick
2.Do you switch friends quite often? no
3.Would you rather have a couple very close friends or lots of just friends? The first one
4.Do you wish you had more friends? Not really
5.What is your favourite thing to do with your friends? Hang out, do stupid stuff
Other Stuff
1.Have you ever done something that you totally regretted later? yes
2.What is the craziest thing you have ever done? who knows?
3.What is the funnest thing you have ever done? again
4.What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? I got caught with a boner during PE Holy Souls by some girls, that was pretty bad
5. What was the most difficult thing that you have gone through? Answering this survey?