Evil of the Daleks is the story from which I got Jamie's journal name. Unfortunately, most of this serial has been lost to the BBC's rampant scrapping/junking habit (excepting the second episode, the only of seven to survive); at the time, it was truly intended to be the final defeat of the Daleks - and save a few cameos, it was the last appearance of the Daleks for the next five years of the show.
In the story, the Daleks threaten to destroy the TARDIS unless the Doctor helps them by conducting an experiment to isolate the "Human Factor" - the unique qualities of human beings that have allowed them to consistently resist and defeat the Daleks. To accomplish this, the Daleks want the Doctor to test Jamie (considered unique for the fact that he has traveled with the Doctor for a good length of time) by sending him to rescue a girl named Victoria, who is being held as their prisoner. The Doctor is strangely co-operative with the Daleks, manipulating Jamie into the rescue mission but not telling him of the nature of the test. Once the Doctor has isolated the Human Factor, he is commanded to implant it into three Daleks, which will then become the precursors of a race of "super" Daleks, possessing the best qualities of humans and Daleks alike.
Both the Doctor and the Daleks are hiding their true intentions, however; the Daleks intend to use the Human Factor implanted in the three test Daleks to find the Dalek Factor (presumably, it is simply the exact opposite of the Human Factor) and then they plan to use it to force it into all humans throughout the history of Earth with the TARDIS. The Doctor, on the other hand, uses their technology to convert a large batch of Daleks; by doing this, the Doctor starts a rebellion right in the heart of Skaro, and by the time he and his companions leave, it seems the Daleks have completely destroyed themselves.
DOCTOR: Jamie was magnificent. But then, I knew he would be. He produced a whole battery of emotions, each one of which is imprinted in here. See?
WATERFIELD: The "Human Factor"?
DOCTOR: Well, a part of it at least. The... the better part -- courage, pity, chivalry, friendship, even compassion. Some of the virtues.
Here is a full script!
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