The Young Progressive's Guide to Free Speech Suppression

Apr 07, 2014 09:22

From a wider perspective, I suppose my Progressive friends' assault on free speech makes sense. We are bombarded almost daily by examples from their role models showing them how opposing thought should be treated.

On the Senate floor, Harry Reid vilified two Americans who have made legal contributions to conservative causes (never mind his own questionable dealings with campaign monies). Brandon Eich was forced out of his job by activists because he made a legal contribution to a California initiative regarding traditional marriage -- an initiative that passed, coincidentally. Lois Lerner still doesn't have much to say about her role in illegally leaking conservatives' information to political opponents. And always in the background is the shrill Greek chorus of Progressive commentators: Are there climate change skeptics? Throw them in jail! Are there people who don't want to be forced to bake cakes or provide flowers for gay weddings? Sue them! Are there conservative female reporters trying to cover your feminist event? Push them out! And so on.

With role models like these, it is no wonder the Progressives at the HPN act as they do. The underlying message they encounter daily is that Progressives can select which rights apply and which do not. And they can select who may enjoy those rights, based on their ideology. To Progressives, free speech is great except when the other side wants to use it. And if the wrong side does want to use it, it becomes "hate speech" and deserves censorship. Oh, and the one who made the "hate speech" should be sued. And locked in jail.

And this is how Progress is made.
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