"Rule the World" MEP - AUDITION INFO!

Mar 14, 2011 14:46

VIDEO HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8rzcPu3Hdg

Pairing: Legolas/Freedom
Actors: Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean
Fandoms not allowed in part: any fandoms where Keira has dark hair
Basic storyline: Legolas and Freedom got married after the events in the "Return of Sauron-Quartet", when she was 20. They had one daughter, Larien, together and Legolas cherished his family very much. When Freedom abdicated he followed her into the woods and he was devastated when she was killed in a battle, only to find out at her funeral that she had been in love with someone else as well.

Pairing: Aragorn/Mandy Diamond
Actors: Viggo Mortensen, Keira Knightley
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Lord of the Rings, King Arthur
Fandoms not allowed in part: Pirates of the Caribbean
Basic storyline: Aragorn was sort of Mandy's mentor and teacher when it came to swordfighting and they spent a lot of time together. If that led to them having an affair is unknown - but it would be interesting to see if that would work! After all, Mandy acts before she thinks and with all the dark magic in this universe Aragorn could be under a spell...
Mandy also dies in battle, while Aragorn lives on.

Pairing: Alexandra Roberts Kenobi/John Howard
Actors: Billie Piper, X (you get to choose your male actor here!)
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Doctor Who
Fandoms not allowed in part: X
Basic storyline: Alexandra is one of the Valinorian princesses, described as being straightforward, agile and an exceptional fighter. She was raised by Jean-Luc Picard on the USS Enterprise and refers to him as her uncle.
John, on the other hand, is a muggle teacher who, among with other teachers, was captured and tortured by the Red Order because of that he had magic abilities. Alex's mother, Sandra, organized a rescue-party and saved them and during the ride back to safety, John got to know the princess...
John is described as a regular teacher but having the air of a true leader around him. He has also served in the army for a short while before becoming a teacher.

Pairing: Lilith Roberts/Ron Weasley
Actors: Sienna Guillory, Rupert Grint
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Eragon, Harry Potter
Fandoms not allowed in part: X
Basic storyline: Lilith is the reincarnation of Mandy Diamond, Ron's former wife, and is shortly after her arrival in Valinor taken captive by Draco Malfoy. Ron is the one to see this happening and he alerts the Alliance and also comes up with a rescue-plan.
Together with Sirius Black he manages to get the red-haired half-elf out (she's really the daughter of Aragorn and Arwen) and they take her to safety, where Ron befriends Lilith.
After the Last Battle, it is announced that they are in a relationship and three years later they get married, becoming the King and Queen of the Crystal.

Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Sandra Roberts
Actors: Ewan McGregor, Miranda Otto
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Star Wars II or III, Lord of the Rings
Fandoms not allowed in part: Star Wars I (they meet during ep II)
Basic storyline: in the beginning of the book "Save the Magic", Sandra notices that she can wield the Force. She therefore goes to Coruscant where she meets Obi-Wan and Anakin, who are protecting Senator Amidala. Obi-Wan feels instantly drawn to her, without knowing why, and soon realizes that he has fallen in love with her, while she seems to just see him as a friend.
When going to Kamino, Sandra is captured by Jango Fett and Obi-Wan follows the ship to Geonosis. There he tries to rescue her but is instead captured as well. Right before their execution, he confesses his love for her and she admits that she feels the same way.
During the events of "Revenge of the Sith", they spend a night together on Tatooine after Obi-Wan's been exiled. This leads to Sandra getting pregnant.
After a lot of trouble in Valinor (send message for info about that!), they eventually get married and have four kids; Derena, Tavéz, Kiara and Alexandra.

Pairing: Freedom/Remus Lupin
Actors: Keira Knightley, David Thewlis
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter
Fandoms not allowed in part: any fandoms where Keira's got dark hair
Basic storyline: Freedom and Remus meet right after Freedom's been exiled from Valinor in the beginning of "Return of Sauron". He sees her as his saviour because of that her actions five years earlier resulted in him being treated better by the magicians and he offers to help her hide from Sauron when on Hogwarts. Freedom starts to feel attracted to him quite soon and she loves to see him teach or read, describing his concentration and entusiasm as his best treats.
So far unknown if they ever "hooked up"

Pairing: Elrond/Sonya Temelóri
Actors: Hugo Weaving, Scarlett Johanson
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Lord of the Rings
Fandoms not allowed in part: any fandom where Scarlett's not blonde
Basic storyline: Elrond took Sonya in as his adoptive daughter after her parents had been murdered by Moriquendi (Dark Elves). They already had a close relationship due to the fact that Sonya loved spending time in his library and Elrond soon found someone that he could discuss both current and past happenings with.
When Sonya was exiled from Valinor during "Return of Sauron", Elrond took her in once more. Not until now he noticed how beautiful she had become and after the war, Sonya realized that their relationship had changed somewhat. But they did not proceed in this matter until Elrond had travelled across the sea, fifteen years later. Then they got married and had a daughter (not named).
After the death of the three other Queens, Sonya and Elrond left the Emerald Palace and lived in a secret place out in the Deep Woods. No one knew if they were dead or alive until Sandra Roberts ran into Sonya, three thousand years later. Sonya knew that Sandra was Freedom's reincarnation and took her with her back to their hiding-place, only to discover that the Moriquendi had found them and had killed her husband.

Pairing: Derena Roberts Kenobi/X
Actors: Rachel McAdams, X (here you get to choose your male actor)
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Sherlock Holmes, Time-Traveller's Wife
Fandoms not allowed in part: X
Basic storyline: Derena is the crown-princess of Valinor and often described as bossy or strong-willed. She has a short fuse and tends to do things her own way.
Her husband has so far been mentioned very few times, but it's said that he is the only one who can keep her in control. Derena has once said that he is her "tall, handsome, dark stranger" who she would do anything for, and he would do anything for her as well.
Feel free to give this guy a name - I only know that he's human!

Pairing: Lilith Roberts/Draco Malfoy
Actors: Sienna Guillory, Tom Felton
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Harry Potter, Eragon
Fandoms not allowed in part: X
Basic storyline: Draco captured Lilith in the woods while she was out skiing. Though she did not know that; she thought that he had rescued her from Moriquendi, thanks to that his men were wearing masks and also drugged her when they took her away. Her saviour treated her well and she started to dress up for him, wanting him to notice her as something "more than a girl".
Secretly, Draco had planned to keep Lilith at his fortress for the rest of the war, since he knew that the Alliance would need her to win. But, unfortunatelly, Lilith's adoptive sister, Sandra, found the way to the fortress (through Ron's guidance) and Draco panicked. After the party had left and Lilith had refused to leave him, he decided that the only way to stick to the plan now was to rape her (Mandy, Lilith's past incarnation, had told him prophecies of the war when he had slept with her). But this only frightened Lilith and she started to fear him and his nightly visits, even hate him.
She eventually escaped with the help of Ron and Sirius Black. Right before the Last Battle she flew back to the fortress, on her dragon, and killed the man in cold blood. Later she admitted that she shouldn't have done that.

Pairing: Ron Weasley/Mandy Diamond
Actors: Rupert Grint, Keira Knightley
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Harry Potter, King Arthur
Fandoms not allowed in part: Pirates of the Caribbean
Basic storyline: Ron and Mandy became friends while attending Hogwarts - Ron being one year above her. During the (seemingly) endless War of Magic, their bond grew stronger and when Mandy was crowned Queen of the Crystal, she asked Ron to stay as well. He did and after two years they got married. Together they had two children; Robin and Rebecca.
When Mandy abdicated from the throne, she asked Ron to hold the position as King for a little while longer, just so that Rebecca wouldn't be alone (Robin had left them to become a ranger, so he was rarely seen). He agreed and they decided to meet up in the woods two years later.
Only then, Mandy had gone to live with Draco Malfoy, whom she saw as her friend. But Draco only used her to get information on how the Moriquendi could rise to power. When he left her, she had given him three children and fled the fortress with them to find Ron and beg for his forgiveness. But no-one had seen Ron since he abdicated and when Mandy later died in battle, her children (both those she had with Ron and those she had with Draco) all vowed to destroy the spirit of their mother; Draco Malfoy.
Ron spent the rest of his life wandering the woods and mountains of the Crystal, knowing that his wife had betrayed him and never wanting to go back to civilization ever again.

Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Nea Weasley
Actors: Hayden Christensen, Eva Green
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Star Wars III, Golden Compass
Fandoms not allowed in part: Star Wars I-II
Basic storyline: Anakin was the body-guard of Nea's mother, Lilith, and also trained Nea in sword-fighting. Nea had a hard time staying away from the handsome Jedi, despite him being married, and sometimes got really jealous of Padmé for getting to have the man she wanted.
One day, she met an old Sorcerer who offered to make up a potion for her that would create a temporary universe where just she and Anakin existed. She would remember this life, but Anakin would not remember his, and as she would be the one pulling the strings in this universe she would be able to have him for one week. Then she would be returned to her real world in the exact same moment as she left it.
It is known that Nea bought this potion, but it is unknown if she ever decided to use it.

Pairing: Freedom/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Actors: Keira Knightley, Ewan McGregor
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars I
Fandoms not allowed in part: Star Wars II-III, any fandom where Keira's got dark hair
Basic storyline: Freedom met Obi-Wan when trying to learn how to use the Force. She accompanied him and his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, to first Naboo and later Tatooine, and all the while she and Obi-Wan got on one another's nerves since they often disagreed on what plan was the best one.
On Tatooine, Freedom accompanied Qui-Gon to Mos Espa and when they returned to the ship, hunted by Darth Maul, Obi-Wan was the one to treat her for her injuries. While heading back to Coruscant, they became friends and Obi-Wan offered to help her learn more about the Force, once they were back at the Temple.
During a shared meditation-session, Obi-Wan's mind slipped somewhat and he was suddenly seeing a vision of him making love to Freedom. Freedom immediately broke the session, not wanting to admit that the scene had turned her on since she was already married.
After that, their relationship was somewhat strained. Not until after Qui-Gon's death did they speak to one another again and Freedom admitted that she had strong feelings for the young Jedi, but that they could never do something about them. Obi-Wan agreed.
Obi-Wan was the only Jedi who knew that Freedom had died since he felt it through the Force during a meditation-session, three years after she had left.

Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Mandy Diamond
Actors: Tom Felton, Keira Knightley
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Harry Potter, King Arthur
Fandoms not allowed in part: Pirates of the Caribbean
Basic storyline: Draco and Mandy met on Hogwarts and even though they couldn't stand one another in the beginning, they eventually came to trust one another after Mandy saved his life. When Mandy became the Queen of the Crystal, she offered Draco a place to stay in Valinor (his parents had cast him out). He accepted and became known as the Dragon Breeder, thanks to the two dragons that he had been given when moving there.
Freedom, Mandy's best friend, warned Mandy about Draco, saying that she had a bad feeling about him. She didn't listen to her and also did not believe Freedom when she said that one of Draco's dragons had attacked a village. Unbeknownst to her, Draco had found the small population of Moriquendi still hiding in Valinor and had teamed up with their leader, Andernilwen, to get the throne of Valinor.
When Mandy abdicated, she went to live with Draco, him having suggested that in secret since he didn't want Ron to follow her. Their relationship grew stronger and one night, Mandy invited him to sleep with her.
This continued for the upcoming nine years. Over that time, Mandy gave Draco three children; two sons and one daughter, but she didn't know that he did it because of that he knew that when she was climaxing, she uttered prophecies about the upcoming war. By asking her questions during this time, he was able to find out how the Four Queens would die and how the Moriquendi could take Valinor.
Once he had found out what he needed, he left her and Mandy realized that he had been using her (she didn't know for what). She took her three children and brought them with her back to Valinor, later dying in battle without any will to live. The children vowed to kill their own father because of that he had hurt their mother, but they were killed by him before they managed to do that.

Pairing: Sarah Ferenish/Armenío
Actors: Mia Wasikowska, X (here you get to choose your male actor)
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Alice in Wonderland
Fandoms not allowed in part: X
Basic storyline: Sarah and Armenío met after she had become the Queen of the Ruby. He was one of her guards, a half-elf, and she soon asked him to be her personal body-guard. He accepted and through that position their relationship deepened and they soon got married. They had one daughter (not named) before abdicating.
Both of them died in battle, Armenío somewhat before Sarah.
Armenío is described as having "the fair face of an elf but the strong body of a human". Also he has dark hair (if it's dark brow or black, I do not know)

Pairing: Larien Legolasien/X
Actors: Kate Winslet, X (here you get to choose your male actor)
Required fandoms (these must be featured in the video): Finding Neverland
Fandoms not allowed in part: X
Basic storyline: Larien met her husband while on a mission on Earth. He is entirely human and had never heard of a magic world before, but fell in love with Larien's beauty and decided to follow her back to Valinor. There they soon got married and had three kids (not named).
Larien is described as being wise for her age, but also having a hard time re-thinking a plan.
Her husband is often described as "ordinary", not having the looks but the knowledge, which was what Larien fell for to begin with. Once she also mentions that he has "the greenest eyes you'll ever find"

freedom, second incarnation, unboundcreations

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