What the bloody hell is wrong with the world?

Dec 12, 2010 21:06

You know what I hate the most about being away from Sweden? That news reach me so extremely late. Not until now, almost 24 hours after it actually happened, I find out that there was a suicide-bombing yesterday in Stockholm!

What the bloody hell is going on? I hate people who do these things - they're selfish, above everything else, because they cannot accept anything but their own belief. Discussion is not an option.
The other thing that annoys me is that somehow this is always connected to Islam and the muslims, which makes everyone think that the muslims are the "black sheep" in the world. Quite the contrary - I dare say that Christians are and have always been the ones who cannot accept anything but their own belief and therefore are the cause of everything.

Anyone but me who have read about the civilazations in southern Spain during the early medieval times? Then muslims, jews and christians lived in peace; muslims were amazing builders (if you ever go to southern Spain there are a lot of traces of islamic constructions) and they were also really amazing with craft-making, the jews were the educated lawyers who kept peace in the cities, and the christians were the explorers and farmers who provided the cities with information and food.
You know what happened? Along came the Spanish Inquisition and drove out both muslims and jews and the amazing society that had been there vanished, because the Christians were not educated to build and make beautiful crafts like the muslims, and they were not educated like the jews had been. All because of that the Christians were paranoid and thought that the muslims and jews were against them.

Another example are the previous colonies; none of the colonies was under a muslim or jewish rule, they were all held by christians. Because christians think that they are so much better than all other religions but at the same time are extremely afraid that "oh no, this tribe of 40 people have a different religion, they might strike against us, we better strike against them first".

Not to wonder that all other religions turn against Christianity after a while - not surprising at all - but of course things do not get better when they keep feeding Christians with that old fear by blowing themselves up.
But honestly - I don't even know if the person who killed himself yesterday was a muslim. He is described as having a muslim scarf - but hey both my mum and sister have such things, he could have been muslim or he could have been christian, too late to find out now. The thing is that everyone connects it with muslims and the hate against their religion grows - as if they all would be the same! My best friend is muslim and her family is amazing; they hate these things as much as I do because it puts them in a bad situation even though they haven't done anything!

It's like saying that everyone who dyes their hair black and/or likes to wear black clothes is a goth/emo...

Ah well, just had to get that out. Now I'm going to print out the song-scheme for tomorrow's concert and turn of the computer.

politics, terrorism, war, sweden

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