Apr 27, 2010 21:18
So, I have a few questions for you all :) two to be correct, hope you answer them
Do you ever buy something that's ecological/fairtrade or likewise? Why/why not and what is it if you do? How often do you tend to buy these kind of brands?
I was in the "ecological" part of town today. It is basically a couple of shops and restaurants that only have a lot of stuff that's ecological or fairtrade, or both. I'm quite a regular customer at one of the restaurants, to be honest, and I decided to go there today since I needed some time to be alone - and I needed more energy than my school's fish-soup could provide.
So I ordered an Italian bagel (my absolute favourite) with an Ubuntu Coke.
Ubuntu is an ecological/fairtrade coke and I have to say that it's way better than the other cokes, like Pepsi or Coca Cola. Basically it has way more flavour. And still, 96% of the ingredients are ecological - the only thing that's not is the sprinkled water!
So that got me thinking if more people than I have started to buy more ecological/fairtrade-stuff these days, or if people tend to back off since it costs a bit more. I mean, my sister is not into Ubuntu partly because of that it costs about 10SKR (1 Euro) more than regular coke, if you have a 33cl.
But that's not too much... is it?
How much make-up do you tend to use in school, at work or when shopping with friends? How long does it take to get ready in the morning and what comments do you get if you skip that extra make-up?
I personally do not use any make-up during school, work or shopping. Nothing. The only time I do use it is when going to a party, and then it's just a light eye-shadow and some lip-gloss, and I'm all done.
Still, since everyone seems to think that everyone uses make-up, they think I do as well.
When working at one of the computers in school today, one of my friends from the science-class came and sat next to me, at another computer. I noticed that she was looking at my left hand, which I rested on the table next to the keyboard, and she commented on my nails. She said that they looked stunning and asked how I managed to keep them like that?
I can honestly say I have no idea how I do that, but somehow my nails (especially on my left hand since I use my right one a lot more) always look like a perfect French Manicure. Somehow they are currently equal in length as well.
Anyway, I told my friend that I did not do anything special - just cut them when they got way to long. She looked surprised and said "they're real?"
That's when I realised that she had thought I had used fake ones.
So that got me thinking about the make-up and outer-look-fixation these days. I mean, what is it about people to think that they can not look good without make-up, fake nails and extremely big breasts?
And honestly, how long does it take for people to get ready in the morning? I spend 30 minutes making and eating breakfast because I do not want to rush it, then I get dressed, brush my teeth and such, go out and feed the rabbits and then I have about 15-20 minutes to control some homework, project or just sit at the computer, not rushing. Then I leave for school and just because I like to have a safety-margin, I always get to school about 15-20 minutes before we start.
So basically - how would your morning look without the make-up and such? What would your friends say if you showed up without make-up, or (if you're like me) with make-up?
Take your time and think about these questions :P
today's question