Last day of March...

Mar 31, 2010 20:55

Holy crap, time flies too fast for me! It is now only 74 days until I graduate!!
Seriously, can't belive it...

Because of that, my life is currently circulating around clothes, shoes, accessories, driving-license and finishing up some projects in school.
For the graduation-week only I need three sets of clothes; three dresses in different colours with accessories and new shoes. Those outfits are for the School's Dinner/Ball, the graduation-day itself and the Graduation Ball.
Now, for the two balls there's basically "dresses and high-heel shoes" in whatever colour you like. But for graduation it shall be white. White, white, white and perhaps some gold or silver. You can have accessories in black and other colours, but the clothes (the dress, for us girls) must be white.
It's quite expensive as well, believe me. I have currently spent about 4000 Swedish Crowns (400 Euros) and that is on...
- Dress for Graduation-ball (in half-silk, green)
- Scarf for Graduation-ball (in pure silk, pale gold)
- Shoes for Graduation-ball (black)
- Shoes for Graduation Day (white with gold)
- Graduation Hat (white with different details)
- Champagne Glass (with my name on it)
- Graduation Sweatshirt (with my name and Graduation-year, think I ordered it in dark blue)

So I still have to find two dresses and one pair of shoes... and perhaps some extra accessories.
Well, I might only have to find one more dress - I've got a few dresses that might work for the Dinner/Ball, but my mum will have the final word on that (I need her advice on dresses all the time).

OK, got to stop talking about graduation now. I'm getting stressed...
Today is a special day because it is the Birthday of two very special guys X)
The first one is Mr Ewan McGregor, who turns 39 *yay*
The second one is MY DAD, who turns 48 *yahoo!*
And he started the day at 4.30 this morning because of that he had a phone-meeting with the people back in China - not the best start of your Birthday, perhaps, but we have celebrated him tonight instead.
So now I'm off to eat some of my sister's delicious chocolate-cake! :D

family, school, birthdays, dad, ewan mcgregor, graduation

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