Jan 04, 2011 15:58
Today is day four of 2011. Wait..what? Another year gone by, and I am feeling pretty ready for it. 2010 was quite a year. What's the word I am looking for...it was transformative. I learned a lot about myself. I severed ties. Met a man and fell in love. Made new friends; watched some friendships fizzle out. Got my hip fixed.
Every year, we all make resolutions. And almost instantly, our motivation fades. I've decided to do away with the word "resolution" this year. I don't want to just resolve to do something- I actually want to do things. This year, I have goals. At the end of 2010, I read a book called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. It was somewhat life-changing. She illustrates a year of increasing happiness; trials and tribulations of changing and adding behaviors. I've taken some of what she put forth in the book and come up with measurable goals for 2010.
1. Visit Facebook only once a day during the 8-4:30 work day. Its such a great tool in some respects, but a huge distraction most often. This will help me to really be more engaged in my work. In free moments, when I feel tempted to visit FB, I'll read the news instead. Current events are important.
2. Write one letter/card a month and snail-mail it. I have friends/family scattered across the country. Things like this and Facebook help keep people connected,but there's something really satisfying and refreshing about getting something in the mail that isn't junk or bills, and not just at Christmas time.
3. Save enough money for 6 months worth of expenses. If you haven't discovered www.mint.com, you should. It helps you manage your finances and to set goals. My parents never really had savings, and I know how important it is. "Experts" say its important to have a minimum of 6 months worth of expenses in cash saved away. I'm not quite there yet, but I did some substantial saving in 2010, and I plan to really work at it in 2011.
4. Eat at least one fruit and one veggie every day. I know you need like, 5 servings of each. I eat pretty well, but I either have all fruit or all veggie days by accident. And its usually apples and carrots or cucumbers. I need to shake it up more. Rather than "get in shape" or "eat better" this gives me something to really focus on. One and one a day will likely lead to more!
What are your goals?
Happy New Year!