
Apr 05, 2008 09:32

Last night, at around 11:30pm, I went to refill the water for our gerbils, Phred (a.k.a "Chunks" a.k.a "Scofield") and Pherguson, before I went to bed. And I found Pherguson (a.k.a. "Fatty" a.k.a. "Whistler") dead. :(  Shane and I just stood there for a moment crying, startled, but not necessarily surprised. He was overweight ( we put him in a running ball, but he would just sit in it and poop) and we think there might have been an infection in his eye. But we weren't sure, and once they get sick, you can take them to the vet, but its really hard for even vets to figure out what's wrong and fix it. Not to mention he was old.

We found a little box, (the rectangular box that checks come in when you order them), Shane wrapped him in a paper towel (I couldn't bring myself to touch him) and we put him in there. I put a carrot in the box as well, because he really loved them. Then I tied up the box with some yarn, and we bundled up and went out, dug beneath the snow, into the ground and buried him next to a tree. Everything we used is biodegradable, so he had a very "green" burial, like we wanted.

He was just a gerbil, but he and his brother Phred have been with us since we moved here. They were the first pets Shane and I ever had together. It really affected us. And now all I can think about is that Phred is all alone. They used to sleep cuddled up together, play together, etc. Now I am worried Phred will go soon too. Most of the literature recommends that you don't try to introduce another gerbil, because they will most likely fight til they kill each other. Sometimes, if they are young, it can work, but Phred is pretty old as far as gerbils are concerned. So we're just going to love him extra, so he doesn't get too lonely.

Sad. :(

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