There are so many different ways for singles to interact and connect. With great inventions like the worl wide web, a single person can easily move through a free online dating service and search for what they are looking for in a person. It really is that simple! Nowadays singles can choose gender, age, appearance, and even personality traits online.. Something truly from the future! If only it were this simple years ago. Imagine how that would have influenced the divorce rate! Seriously, there is no reason to be alone these days. With this much technology available, for free, right at your finger tips there is no excuse.
Some singles are still worried about dating online. Well here is some advice for you, Don’t be. People are still timid about the appearance of the person they are speaking to online. It is true that some people upload pictures that look better than what they truly look like. But here is how you can conquer that fear, it is called camera chat. Most dating sites have this feature, but they most likely charge you for it. Go to a free dating website that offers this tool for free. Invite the person you have been talking to, to a private camera chat. If they refuse there is your answer, they are obviously hiding something, or they are broke and cannot afford a camera, so don’t even waste your time. Kidding. Others worry that people act falsely on dating sites, this may also be true. That’s why you talk to the same person for a while before you meet in person. A lot of people act nicer or more courteous online, this is because they actually have time to think about what they’re going to type rather than plainly speaking to a person. Again, have a camera chat, or even a phone conversation with this person just to see how they can carry a conversation. If you don’t like what you see or hear, move on. This is the beauty of online dating. It is like speed dating without the butterflies in the belly.
Let’s differentiate
online dating and dating the old fashioned way. When dating online, you don’t have to raid your closet and find the perfect attire, you can simply chat with singles in your pajamas. You’ll never have to worry about blind dates, or getting set up with someone you don’t know. Like mentioned earlier you can search for everything you’re looking for in someone. When dating the old fashioned way you really don’t have any control over the pace of the other person and how far they will try and go with you. While dating online you set the pace exactly how you want. For example, if the person you’re speaking to wants to meet, you have the option of saying no, without feeling awkward about it. You have the freedom to say what you want without worrying about their feelings. How awesome is that?
Now you should feel empowered to give online dating a try, especially the 100% free dating sites. Here is one last tip, do some research when it comes in finding the right dating site. Search for a dating site with all of the goodies you want when dating online. Like camera chat, phone that doesn’t give out your number, mail, IM’s, you get the point. Now get out there and find that person you’ve always wanted to meet!