[Mod-Post] Some notes and notices

Jun 30, 2008 02:36

[*] Try not to vote on the !warned applications just in case the person doesn't fix the problem on the time slot given, your vote won't be a complete waste of time.

[*] You can fill out the basic character application at any time. In other words, regardless of which theme is hosted on which month, the basic application is always available to be filled out. This is because, more often than not, most themes require you to have that first original stamp before getting a new one.

[*] Please be detailed in your answers, it's much easier to stamp you that way and gives people a better insight on your personality.

[*] Preview your entries before posting them to make sure that your html tags and lj-cut is correct, I cannot stress this enough.

[*] Different Gender Stamps should not be an issue. If you're a woman and got Jeb as your stamp (and Melanie as your mate stamp), this should not be a problem since we base the results on the personality of the character, not their genitalia.

[*] And yes, the relationship application is now ready and will be posted once approved by the community owner.

Any questions, just comment and ask!


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