Aug 15, 2004 03:38
first off i must apologize for the last entry...i was belligerant and well....pissed off.
right...well who knows why...but for some strange reason...i am in this ultimately great mood this evening. even though things could be going better at the moment...i am still in the best mood i have been for a long time. Those nights where its 2:30 am, and riding ur bike home and just for the fuck of it, keep riding well past the destination? i dont know if it was just the crisp beautiful evening or what, but i just kept riding, went for a very nice loop around ventura and i reallllly enjoyed it, cleared my mind, lightened my spirits and all in all, ended my day very well.
things r going great with Cass, never had a g/f that i am this close with and get along with this well, in the 5 months weve been dating, i think we have had a total of 3 arguments?...all of which being over something petty and unimportant hours later, leaving us both wondering y the fuck we were arguing in the first place. What can i say...shes fucking awesome and id have to say i couldnt be happier with anybody else at this moment.
Oooo and lake powell...that was awesome, brian invited me to go along with him again this year and...i have to admit that 9 days of wakeboarding and living on a houseboat, well lets just say no complaints.Well aside from the fact that his mom is the ultimate paranoid person on the planet, worrying were gonna die every 5 minutes of some freak accident involving sudden drowning or run over by a giant offense laura...but KICK THE FUCK BACK!!! Other than that though...was a great vacation...especially the time off work.
Well its late and im tired...goodnight children. Ta.
P.S. - I absolutely love MSG...fucking great shit.