My Sanctuary

Aug 03, 2004 21:12

Well, finally. I've finally found a place to hang out when I need to be alone, considering in this house there is no such thing as 'being alone'.

Living in a small town, makes it slightly hard to find places where one can be by oneself, simply because all the common places are places where everybody is.

So now I've taken to hanging out south of Lane Rd. There's a little park down there, where it seems to be relatively quiet. The only problem is it's down on the "rich" side of Upper Arlington, so I have to deal with riding past the larger houses and becoming jealous when comparing them to my own little scheisse-y looking 50's ranch house. >_<

Maybe I can actually get some inspiration (and quiet) down there.

And I must mother's yelling for me again. >_x; And she's mocking me. She hates my chosen name. "SCHU!" Gods, it's annoying.

"per me si va ne l'etterno dolore" (Through me the way to everlasting pain) ~Dante's Inferno, Canto III

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