Jul 07, 2002 14:46
Ya know, I think Ill start booking bands based on attitude, instead of music and popularity. I find that when bands that dont act like rock stars, play, that Im in a much better mood. I dont like being in a bad mood. Good example: Friday night Ludicrous Speed, Nothing Less and Bus 17 played the hole. I had one of the best times Ive ever had at a show. Why? Because all of those bands are respectful, supportive of other bands, trying to have fun and arent drunk stoners w/ bad vibes seeping from every pore. Plus, they all kick mucho ass. On the other hand, we had last nights show. I was optimistic going into the night(as I am w/ most shows), but that was quickly soured when I felt the "bad vibes" start flowing into my hOle. Rock star attitudes are a big problem in this area. I have learned how detect persons w/ said attitude, very easily. When a band says, "how long are the sets?", and I reply, "uhhh, thats yet to be determined, cause all the bands that were supposed to be here an hour before the show arent here yet." And band member says, "well we'll just play however long we want." And walks off. Uhh yeah.
Then theres the issue of, "bands talking shit about all the other bands and standing outside while they play." That is really lame. Certain bands do that alot. You all are local bands that are no better than the next. Once you start getting attention from record labels and music publications, you then have the right to start "thinking" that you are better than other local bands. Until then, you are all in the same category of "LOCAL BAND". Even then, its not a good idea to act snobbish and "holier than thou", toward other bands, cause people see that and dont want to have anything to do w/ you. Then you dont get attention from labels and rags.
This shouldnt be an issue, but it is getting clearer and more apparant to me, that drugs and alcohol, are not cool. People that are drunk and stoned should not come to the hOle, especially bands. I look at me and my friends(who dont drink, smoke or do drugs) and I look at people who do abuse alcohol and drugs and I see an enormous difference in attitude and mood. We are a happy go lucky group who has fun being creative and productive. Users seem to be unhappy and not doing anything productive. Im not saying dont smoke weed or drink, but dont bring that atmosphere and/or attitude, to the hOle. Its not welcome. Happy concert going.