May 10, 2002 00:41
Really nice turn out for a weekday. Aoks broke their hOle cherry tonight. The brought alot of inbreeders out from Belfair and played a tight set. Anthony rubbed his ass on Tony, then Tonys bass was sticking out an inch or 2 further. Weird huh? Lude Speed kick it next and brought the mosh factor to an all time high. I think the slow song they played last is the bigity biz.
Everyones favorite perverted pop punkers , Capacity 3 kicked ass. Im not to familiar w/ them, but Im really startting to dig their sound. Bob is the fucking MAN, if you didnt already know. They got candy thrown at them(curtain is going up, so it wont happen anymore, and they were really pissed. It was all resolved by a fist fight a while later, so its all good.
Brodie. What can I say? Brodie always brings the teenage honeys to their knees and rocks out w/ their cocks out. They are practically Kitsap residents now. Im glad they take the time to come over so often. Ya know, I hear my fair share of generic music and can honestly say Magnetic North has developed into a hard rocking , original sounding rock band. John Boyce has got catchy song writting down so tight. Every song was a sing along and even drove some girls to nudity. Thats always a plus. I had a good time tonight, but I always do, so hey. Thanks to the hOle crew for being so down. Im out. Chrons and Caustic Riot, Saturday= Rock.
Josh hOle