Who else wants my shit?

Apr 02, 2012 14:18

Seriously. Third time this week I've posted about something and someone was all OMG DIBS ( Read more... )

get off my yard, don't touch my shit, gonna have to staff blast a bitch

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whatyoucantfind April 2 2012, 20:04:02 UTC
its because you live an hour away from everyone you knew out here. also, any time i ever try to talk to you about something, you talk down at me and treat me like i'm a teenager, which i'm not. ever since you got pregnant you've treated me like i'm some young kid who doesn't know anything. i compliment you on things, and you cant even take the compliment. and its really fucking frustrating to have lost one of, whom i considered, my best friends because you never venture out of the house other than for work and food. i haven't had a job in over a year, so i cant afford gas most of the time to come and visit. i have jewelry at a friends house in north roswell still because i dont have the gas for it. also, you never invite me over because mike is so weird about people seeing the apartment.

if i had $200 to drop on a corset. i would do it. i regret even fucking asking you. my bad. you know mom and i spent like $50 on stuff for the baby shower, and we didn't even get a thank you card. you also haven't ever invited us to come see the babies (see apartment) and they're almost a year old now. mutual friends of ours are shocked to even hear this.

i miss the old emily who gave a shit about me and wasn't so negative all the time.


whatyoucantfind April 2 2012, 20:06:46 UTC
also, i've given you a bunch of my old clothes when you started putting on weight after moving in with mike, that you still have. so dont say i've never given you anything.


thehobbit April 2 2012, 20:32:41 UTC
I don't think I've ever said you haven't given me anything. And I still have those clothes because you said you might want them back. They're not in the bags and bags and bags and bags and bags and bags of clothes I've given away or tried to get help going through that other people who aren't you who said they'd do something didn't do.


thehobbit April 2 2012, 21:03:04 UTC
I do care about you but you never call to make plans with me or ask what time is good and I've told you that Mike works until 7 so driving an hour would mean late dinner. Also any time I try to do something nice for you it's usually while you complain about how no on does anything nice for you. I've also given you things. High price item things. Yet it always turns into you asking for something else.

With all that said you're not the only person who has randomly asked for my stuff this week with no provocation and without me ever suggesting I was going to get rid of it. And you're right I do constantly give things away and no one comes to take that stuff so is it not rightfully frustrating when things I scrimped and saved for and wouldn't dream of giving away are being asked for? Why are people entitled to things I didn't even have the chance to use because I got pregnant? Or things I just bought with money I saved for the item?

The last time you said you were in my area I said to come by and you didn't. You also don't venture out of the house because you don't have gas. I don't fault you for that. You're also not on the list of people who never come visit me who do have money to visit or say they'll come visit and don't.

No one has gotten a thank you card because I don't have anyone's address. I know where you live I don't know your address. I also lost your number when I changed phones. Which I posted on FB and you didn't respond.

And I'm sorry it's really hard to leave the house with two kids. It's even harder now that they're mobile and don't want to stay in a car seat. Plus when they were little they could want to nap at a drop of a hat and being away from home makes that really hard.

With all this said though if you don't have gas to visit why would I invite you to visit to see the kids? Do you see the conundrum? It doesn't help that Mike is now on a diet and counts calories so working around that is equally difficult if it were to be a go out to eat situation or cook situation, but again, if you're financially strapped wouldn't that be complicated?

Friendship is a delicate situation dictated by people and how they act but anytime I mention that you don't try to make plans with me either you say I'm talking down to you. When you ask for my stuff and I say no you say I'm talking down to you. SO that's it's own situation but what does the other people have to say for themselves?


whatyoucantfind April 2 2012, 23:25:22 UTC
you havent told me anything about your life, directly, at all in the past year and a half. a lot of things change with having babies. and i had no idea about how those changes affected your schedule. it seems now you have a much more regular schedule.

with that being said. i have no records of your phone number being given to me on facebook. your facebook also does not give the number. if your phone number changed, i most likely dont have it. my android phone died, and i lost any saved numbers. i'm back on my old blackjack brick.

if you would like to speak to me on the phone. you're welcome to call me later tonight. my phone number is still the same, and has always been on facebook.

i'd like to try and talk things out.


thehobbit April 3 2012, 01:21:12 UTC
You haven't asked directly. I'm not the schedule secret keeper. I'm just busy.

And I didn't give you my number on facebook. I posted on FB and LJ stating I had lost all of my contacts due to a phone change and to feel free to text, call, or e-mail me your information. That didn't happen so I haven't had your number because I always forget people put up their phone numbers on FB. I can call tomorrow as right now is the first time I've eaten today since around noon and that was about four spoonfulls of oatmeal. Plus the kids are really mad right now so I need to get diapers changed and into bed. I was going to try to bathe them but I think they can go one more day. What I'm saying is tonight I'm too busy to focus on the phone for more than five minutes. I took one phone call while cooking and said I have to eat I haven't in forever and I have a headache goodbye. Because it's been that kind of day.


whatyoucantfind April 3 2012, 02:10:39 UTC
because any time i did try to talk to you you always seemed to be busy or in a bad mood. i've also developed an anxiety that if i'm getting a negative vibe, i'm not so inclined to venture out of my cobb county bubble.

you can call me tomorrow, just txt me to make sure i can get to a secure location to talk.


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