I don't want to talk about exercise.

Apr 02, 2012 13:16

Every time I say I'm going to start a workout program on LJ the whole thing goes to shit. So I want to not talk about it which is why I'm irritating EVERYONE on fb with updates about my workouts.

I had a treadmill that my exhusband was housing for me. It died within a week of getting it. We bought a stationary bike that had a tension belt. The tension belt fell off and no one, not even the customer service person for the company could tell us how to reconnect it. We took the bike back and got an elliptical. Then I had to wait a few days for Mike to put it together because well...if he had that much trouble with the bike I wasn't going to be able to get the elliptical together.

After the WIC debacle last week I was so down on myself I didn't want to get on the elliptical. But I did and it was IMPOSSIBLE and SUCKED and was really, really HARD. Since then it's gotten super easier so yay to that, but tomorrow will be one week of working out every day for 25 minutes.

Before someone pipes up with I should weight lift let me say yes, you're right. I know weight lifting burns more fat and tones and...whatever. I also find weight lifting to be one of the most mindless, boring, God awful things ever. When asked if I could work out every day doing something I really loved what would it be I realized it'd be dancing. I don't have the room to dance so my elliptical has become the dance stand in.

No, really. When I go out clubbing and put my purse down and dance in a circle around it (Dane Cook reference) I have a tendency to close my eyes and completely lose myself in the music. I get how stupid that sounds but I'm dancing and singing and sweating and being totally un-self aware in that moment.

I've found I get on the elliptical and when it gets really, really hard I focus on the lyrics (I've been running to Gotye's Making Mirrors album) and I swear to God Gotye has some of the most uplifting lyrics which makes you not want to give up. So that's cool.

I need to do some of the XBox kinect dancey-dance games but for now this is my start. I'll build and work and whatever.

The upside is that while I do want to lose weight my actual goal is get on the damn elliptical every day. I want to make a habit. So it's get on the elliptical EVERY DAY. I've realized if I do that my weight loss goal should be 1 to 2 pounds a week. I shouldn't worry about more or less. And I have a scale and I can't not weigh myself, okay? It's just super, duper fun.

I started around 193/194? Today the scale said 190. I haven't seen that in a while. I will feel good about that, but it's not the important part, you know?

adulthood, and toe touching!, please let me talk about myself, body parts

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