25. One of my internal conflicts.
In all honesty I don't have many, yet, because I try not to regret and generally once a decision is made I try not to waffle on it too much. However, I am a bright individual so sometimes I stop and think about how I should go back to school, wrestle with it, come up with a supposed major, then throw it all back out the window. Rinse, repeat. As fucked up as it is, now that I'm divorced and a "single Mom" the decision seems clearer since I can get more financial aid unmarried with two kids vs. married and no kids. Hi, thanks for being super fucked up government. But whatever. Since college isn't cheap it's been hard to convince myself I needed to go into debt for an education since, let's face it, a job isn't guaranteed anymore and I can't begin to pay for school out of pocket. Also, for those of you who begin to bring up the HOPE I had a terrible GPA at graduation time so if I'd gone in as a traditional college student I wouldn't have qualified. Yes, I'm bright, but being burned out on school (heavily bullied, massive anxiety issues) meant I had little desire to enter back into a situation even remotely similar.
26. What I'm doing tomorrow.
I have the kids 6 month WIC appointment. I may try to Christmas shop for the big man. I'll probably hit Walmart since I haven't been there in about a million years. Or, knowing me, I'll come home from WIC and pass out. I've gotten good at napping lately.
32. My biggest pet peeves.
This list could go on forever but I'll begin with lose used for loose and vice vs. They are two different words. Sure, I fuck up my there/they're/theirs when tired, and I'll never get effect and affect right BUT OH MY GOD. You can't loose your mind. You just can't. Unless you open your cranium and release it into the wild. Bad grammar/spelling is pretty high on my list, but lose/loose especially hurts.
People who belittle and condescend over stupid shit. I have people who like to ask me if overly modified drinks are a pain in the ass. No, you know what's a pain? That person who is all, "OMG GET A PEN MY DRINK IS FOR SURE SO MUCH HARDER THAN YOU CAN GRASP. EXTRA CARAMEL CARAMEL FRAPPUCCINO! DID YOU GET THAT?! DID YOU?!" No. I don't know how to do my job, or simply exist as a person. Thanks for telling me though. I'll make sure to make that extra light caramel.
Rande is a pet. Rande is a peeve. I hate that cat.
People being unreliable, which is kind of funny because I can be a flake at times, but now that I have two kids and very, very finite time it can ruin an entire day off. Which doesn't mean never cancel your plans with me, just know it might make me very, very sad since not enough people make plans with me in the first place.
36. What I'm really excellent at.
Hugs. I give fantastic hugs. Unless it's an awkward situation, like you don't know if you're fist bumping or high fiving, but, whatever.
I'm a pretty awesome cook. I can bake if I have a decent box mix, but if you say I want this thing (that is not baked) I can usually look at stuff, squint, and make a basic version of it. I'm also really good at finding random food stuffs and putting them together with other food stuffs and making a decent dish. As in, I have some left over sweet potato stuff and I'm pondering picking up some random things and turning it into a soup. For fun.
I can sing my butt off if I don't get nervous and squeak.
Mike says I'm really excellent at dancing. I guess for an untrained dweeb who's learned by watching and mimicking, yes, I am really excellent.
Sometimes I'm a really excellent helper monkey. I told Mike I wouldn't put sex, but he'd probably say I'm really excellent at that, so, there's that. I guess blogging. I remember when I started my blog it was like, "Oh teehee I'll never keep up with this thing". Whoops.
I'm pretty decent at coloring hair, just don't ever ask me for a cut. Shockingly, despite the fact that I NEVER wear it, make up. Not like
Disgorge excellent, but every day person excellent. I think she's actually some kind of make up God or some junk. Her skillz. I envy them.
44. Something I've repeatedly wished for.
To have smaller breasts. Mostly so I'd have decreased back pain, but in later years it'd be so that I could shop at normal stores and not feel like a freak when I talk about my bras. I mean, this in and of itself is an entire post in the making and I may transfer it over to another post, but due to pregnancy and breastfeeding AND interacting with women who have either had breast cancer or been close to someone with breast cancer, it's made me aware I do not have a normal relationship with my breasts in the slightest.
I really feel like the only person in the world who has been waiting patiently for her breasts to go away. Instead they keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
Other than that I'd really like to travel more. I find myself watching travel shows and it's like, "I WANT TO GO THERE AND EAT ALL OF THOSE THINGS FOREVER!" I also constantly wish to meet more of the people on the internet face to face. Mike has had bad situations arise from meeting internet peoples, but I've had pretty decent luck and find many of the people that I know through LJ are some of the people that I feel the closest to.