Illness makes me a giant whiny beast

Nov 30, 2011 02:21

So, due to fear of my supply dropping what do I take to breathe? Will Mucinex work? Or just shooting myself in the face?

I've been sticking to Claritin (just regular, NOT D) once every 12 hours, as much Emergen-C as I can stomach, a hot shower with baby vapor bath, and lots and lots and lots of tissue.

Please help me breathe. I've rested, eaten chicken noodle soup, pureed squash (and tried giving some to the babies who liked the idea of a thing coming from a spoon but not so sure about the squash, though Archer enjoyed sucking it off my fingers), and just recently some pineapple casserole.

Why God, why?

With this said Mike has been on an intense regimen of Dayquil and I have Theraflu but both things say check with a doctor before consuming. I also don't want to take a drug that makes me sleep (Theraflu).

god's cruel joke, breast feeding

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