Look at that regulating body.

Oct 22, 2011 06:55

Okay, I was going to write about something else but I totally just got distracted by what seems to be a liquid Mucinex ad. When I inevitably get my yearly cold I will probably hug the shit out of that stuff. For real, I would have drank it by the bucket full when I was pregnant. Let's think about this for a minute. Getting pregnant could mean 9 more months of not breathing.

Ugh. Pregnancy.

Yay Mucinex! (No, we're not trying. It was just a moment of, OH! Remember that time when I was pregnant? That was fun...except...all the parts that weren't. Never mind. Don't remember that time when I was pregnant.)

Anyway, I was going to write about the fact that I was 300 calories short before bed and I couldn't see force feeding myself since I was really, really tired and not hungry. Then Archer woke me the hell up at 5:30 like he does so I scrounged through the fridge, found nothing I like, and decided to make a box of Hamburger Helper because I had some beef on its way out. According to the box a fifth of the box is only 150 calories (I imagine this is actually without the beef but I'm not going to question it and lie to myself vigorously) and while cooking I realized I wasn't hungry but actually starving. So I found a piece of cheese and yogurt (poor Mike I'm stealing his breakfast foods while he's out of town) and then ate my bowl of stroganoff and I'm actually quite content now. I think I need to make something really veggie intensive tonight since I feel like I've been eating my weight in carbs lately, but I'm not going to stress it. This is how my eating works. One day I eat an entire sleeve of saltines (they were so fucking good, don't judge me!) and the next I'm like who wants rice and a BOWL of vegetables? I really wish I could make this eating thing more sane.

Let's not talk about the entire pot of coffee I could drink if left to my own devices.

I think my problem with eating is like this: I'm an adult; I do what I want. Until I do what I want turns into, wait, how do real people eat? I'm not supposed to eat the tube of uncooked cookie dough all day as three entire meals? Right. Well if I've done that then eating a bag of frozen vegetables is the healthy response, right? That's normal! Let's discuss: nothing about that is normal EVER.

Dude! Being an adult is hard.

Speaking of which I tried to be responsible this week. Come home directly from work after I'd gotten up early to take the kids to the doctor. I managed to put my keys in my purse, remind myself my purse was an entire extra bag I didn't need to bring in, throw the bag into the car and lock the door. Then I didn't even notice it until I tried to go to work and couldn't find my keys. However, I did manage to set an alarm, wake up early, get the kids all set up for Mike to watch, and walk the dog. Like a responsible human adult! Right?! RIGHT?! Then got to work late because I couldn't find my keys.

That's right. I make decisions to be responsible and inevitably shoot myself in the foot. Worst. Adult. Ever.

Whatever. By counting calories I am forcing myself to think about what I shove into my face. By sheer will, force, and determination I will become...

...slightly less of a natural disaster.

food, cooking, words from the wise, body parts

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