They are asleep, now nerd ladies read this.

Sep 20, 2011 22:03

I'm doing that blogging about blogging thing again. So sometime earlier this month I was drug out of sleep by a text message declaring I would rage against the social injustice of such a thing. There was a post out there and it needed me to RAGE against it.

In case you live under a rock, or, say, aren't engaged to a Gawker journalist I'm talking about this article here:

For those of you worried about getting her paid more per page view she's an intern, so don't worry her pocket won't get fatter. For the record, she still has her job. Is everyone done foaming and screeching yet?


Now what's note worthy is I didn't foam or salivate at said article. I kind of chuckled. I wondered very deeply why on earth it was posted to Gizmodo. Most of all, I was surprised there are people who still very actively play Magic since everyone I ever knew who played it stopped after high school.

People have tried to convince me that her dropping his name was heinous. That she was sinister and insidious and how could she say something mean about nerds?

Um, I'm not sure when nerd-dom became vogue but while being very proud of my dorky interests I recognize I do not run the social norm. I am still quite surprised when I find people in the real world with common interests as myself. More surprising is when I get along with those people. I don't like people much.

Here's the thing though. Her description of OkCupid? Spot on. People like to argue that I dated someone that I met on that site for close to two years but when you take into account it was on pure accident maybe that will give you some insight into the process. I mean, said person had at the point of us conversing been written off because I had no witty response. I accidentally clicked on the flashing chat button because I wanted to know what clicking on it would do. Cue accidental chat. Cue accidental relationship. Once said relationship was on its way out I closed down the account and gave OkCupid the fucking finger. Annoying site is annoying.

And John Finkel? What of him? What of her scathing words?

She called him a dork. Dun-dun-DUN. But more importantly Everquest ruined Mike and I's relationship previously. Gaming had a negative impact on one of my relationships. Don't believe me? Go see it here.

Part of Ian and I splitting? He was ignoring me, and everything else, for Second Life.

Which means gaming can be incredibly time consuming and I know a lot of ladies in the real world who don't want to play second fiddle to a fucking game.

This is all really a response though to this incredibly long but well written article:

A lot of it is wordy and seems silly but he makes some incredibly valid points.

So feel free to flame me and tell me I'm wrong and that I should be raging against the machine, but do some reading kids. Because it's fun!

raging out, blogging about blogging, gonna have to staff blast a bitch

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