Mission accomplished

Sep 03, 2011 21:18

Full body workout achieved from running around Dragon Con with the baby train as the stroller is now dubbed. I fucking hurt.

It doesn't help that I barely sat down AT ALL. Not even on Marta. Which I think the kids dug. I mean, as much as 3mo can enjoy Marta. It was pretty fun despite the flaming assholes.

I mean I literally had to walk AROUND the Marriott to get to the front because there was a giant line stretching down the side walk and someone decided to photo-op RIGHT on the corner. I barely made it out of the street. I also enjoyed how all the handicap ramps had douche bags with working legs hanging out on them. I mean there was even a freaking volunteer STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HANDICAP ramp. My favorite was how he didn't see why he should move but kind people were moving out of the stair well for me. Which was so, so sweet BUT I NEEDED THE RAMP.


I get that volunteers are overworked and not paid and generally treated horribly, I do. I've done volunteer staff. TRUST ME. I get it.


But I saw Mark. I saw Mark. Yay Mark love. And he gave me a little head (tiny plastic skull). So I'm going to figure out how to stick his tiny head in a plug so I can have his tiny head near my head all the time. He is love.
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