How to be a burlesque intern or Emily's rules for life

Apr 11, 2010 17:15

1. Be available.

This sounds like a really, really silly rule. However, you never know when impromptu shows will show up, when someone will break down, when someone will need something, and you have to be ready and available to show up, help out, or do whatever needs to be done. Family member ill? You'll be late, but you'll be there. You're ill? Great, show up fucking early. Just always, always be available and ready at the drop of a hat to change your entire schedule. These ladies are giving you something for free. Be ready and AVAILABLE to work for it.

2. Just say yes.

No one likes a negative Nancy and I'm the most negative of all. However, when it comes to the stage there isn't a no that should ever come out of your mouth. Can you get the space unlocked? Yes. Can you meet a teacher and make sure they've everything they need? Yes. Can you lace corsets? Can you do hair? Can you sew, hot glue, or staple together something? Yes, yes, and yes. Do you even know how to do the thing they're asking you to do? No. Well now you do. Make that a yes.

3. Be friendly.

Everyone has a bad day. Everyone. Even performers. And you are low man on the totem pole Mister or Missy. Shit rolls down so you'd best learn to roll with the punches. The best reason to be friendly though is you may or may not accidentally find a mentor, a friend, a lover, or just even an inviting group of people who want you around. And you want to be around. Make the most of this.

Plus, this will lead into important things they teach you in classes like marketing yourself and reputation. Do you want to be known as the diva princess intern who is demanding and whiny or the friendly helper who will do whatever it takes to make someone else a star? I mean, let's face it. No one becomes a "star" on their own. It always takes a little help from your friends. What does that mean? BE FRIENDLY.

4. Be there early, stay there late.

How do burlesque shows happen? Where does the magic begin? OH SHIT YOU TOO might some day be on stage. So, get there early. You'll see performers in different various stages of undress and they'll probably let you watch them dress. Terrified of even getting on stage to pick up a pair of panties? Roam the stage while no one is looking. But learn your space. See it before and after and take pride in the work YOU put into it. The lovely ladies who are on that stage are working hard. You work harder.

5. Have fun

Is this kind of like a job? Yeah. Is it the coolest job in the world? Yeah. Okay, then go smile and show the world that all this hard work is because you love it. Give that love and feel it come back and bask in the joy.

And yes, all of these can be applied to real life.
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