Today's 'Scopes & Tarot (A Reallllllllllllllly Long Post)

Nov 27, 2006 12:53

Weekly: Step Back to Stand Out (Put your forthrightness in your back pocket for now): Three squares this week gives you three opportunities to stop at the stop sign. Rather than trying to open doors that are not ready to open, why not take a breather, put your feet up and think through alternative ways of getting what you want. Mercury, now direct, squares Neptune yet again on November 28, giving you time to think through what is realistic and what is fantasy. The square between action-oriented Mars and responsible Saturn on the same day gives you a reality check. And then, the Sun squares Uranus December 2 (into December 3), showing you where changes need to occur.

Turn Inward: With the Moon in emotional Pisces, you're prone to feel like you're wearing your heart on your sleeve. Make that vulnerability work in your favor by taking the time to nurture yourself with a free sample Chakra Reading. Balancing your seven energy centers (and that includes your heart!) will strengthen your core and prepare you for next week's great adventures. Along with balance comes clarity -- make sure you listen for clues with a free sample Revelations Reading and enjoy the "aha!" experience of remembering just how wonderful you are!

Maximize This Week's Energy: Since this week is all about sticking close to home -- and your soul -- cozy up and study your Daily Horoscope to determine just how in touch you are with the cosmic forces. As the week comes to a close, caring Venus in generous Sagittarius will have that heart of yours fearless and full of love to share with the world. Explore your Romantic Sun Sign and prepare to unleash amour galore!

Daily Overview: Something that seems settled suddenly changes direction, but there's no need to worry. This is just a small detour before everything gets back on track. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the scenery on the ride.

Daily Extended: Distraction is nothing bad, even if it can sometimes make you feel as though you're treading water instead of plowing headfirst into the waves. Don't worry -- you can still make progress even if you don't get a lot accomplished today. Just be prepared for your mind to wander, and don't fret if you can't find your car keys, can't decide what to have for dinner, or are just at a loss about what direction to take. It is not a bad thing, and it will all pass soon enough.

Daily Quickie: Be prepared for your mind to wander today, and trust that this phase will pass.

BeautyScopes: As the week kicks off, the stars are highlighting flexibility. So if your 'Monday' blouse is in the laundry, your fave liner breaks or your hair won't lie flat, roll with the punches ... possibly to an even better look!

Daily Work: Someone else's agenda may not sit well with you initially, but be noncommittal instead of discussing it. Say your plate is too full if necessary, and schedule a dialogue about it for a later date.

Daily Couple's Love: Your sweetie seems to be in a bad way, but that doesn't mean you need to take on the problem yourself. Most likely they're just caught up in some minor problem that's not worth anyone's time.

AstroSlam: Helping other's always seems like such a noble pursuit. But, as you'll be reminded today when a lynch mob shows up at your workplace because you helped an old lady across the street, the results are often disastrous.

BabyScopes = Katey: People might be on edge today, and after your fall off the couch the other day, you know how edges can be! Be sweet and mellow. Natey: Time to start wrapping things up on Mommy's project. It's succeeded just as she'd hoped and the work might have opened up a new opportunity if she's paying attention.

Daily Cosmic Calendar: Take the good with the bad and keep on trucking as a new workweek gets underway. There will definitely be opportunities to move forward, but you need to slow down your pace in the morning hours as the Moon in Aquarius begins a void cycle at 5:01AM PST that lasts until 12:22PM PST. Finish old business during this 7+ hour twilight zone, but don't launch new enterprises. Once the lunar orb enters Piscean waters (12:22PM PST), you can be more generous to the truly needy and disenfranchised. Put yourself into another person's shoes and see the world from their eyes. Breakthroughs are possible in affairs of the heart -- courtesy of a Venus-Juno sextile from Sagittarius to Libra (9:41AM PST) and Sun-Chiron sextile from Sagittarius to Aquarius (4:33PM PST). The trouble spot of the day arrives fairly late during the First Quarter Sun-Moon Phase (10:30PM PST) -- activating 6 degrees of Sagittarius and Pisces. During any quarter Moon cycle, be prepared for a mini-crisis or challenge that needs to be ameliorated and resolved. Get cracking on this situation tonight as tomorrow brings a new wave of confusion and potential volatility.

Daily Tarot: Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in change. I am quick, sharp, and ready for assertive, revolutionary or affirmative action. I overcome obstacles or resolve conflict by getting right to the point, cutting to the chase or confronting challenges head on -- even if this means going against the grain. My communication, style or expectation is on the cutting edge and relies on reason, design, the latest craze or facts. It is my honor to protect and defend my perception of truth. I measure twice and cut once. I am empowered by expectation or duty and my virtue is commitment to the greater good.

Daily Love Tarot: 7 of Cups

The Seven of Chalices card reversed suggests that setting your romantic sights too low or too high might be an attempt to deny signs of internal dissatisfaction and could put a damper on romance and intimacy. These obstacles or losses, however, could actually help you to reconcile your heart's desire by putting true love within reach or by identifying what has authentic value and appeal on a soul-deep level. After all, it might be a faulty sense of self-esteem that stands between settling and having the confidence to go for what you secretly desire. Being able to finally identify what it is you really need can expand your capacity to love. You could begin to envision your true potential or rediscover your authentic, creative and playful self, which could then enable you to better connect with what you deserve.

Personal Tarot Card of the Day: The Sun (This Deck: Spiral)

General Meaning: What has traditionally been known as the Sun card is about the self -- who you are and how you cultivate your personality and character. The earth revolves around the sun to make up one year of a person's life, a fact we celebrate on our birthday.

The Sun card could also be titled "Back to Eden." The Sun's radiance is where one's original nature or unconditioned Being can be encountered in health and safety. The limitations of time and space are stripped away; the soul is refreshed and temporarily protected from the chaos outside the garden walls.

Under the light of the Sun, Life reclaims its primordial goodness, truth and beauty. If one person is shown on this card, it is usually signifying a human incarnation of the Divine. When two humans are shown, the image is portraying a resolution of the tension between opposites at all levels. It's as if this card is saying "You can do no wrong -- it's all to the good!"

Personal Daily Number: 6

A financial opportunity may surface today. It's a great day to fearlessly exercise your negotiation skills. On the personal front, a relationship may become more serious as commitment issues are placed on the table.

Fast Facts About the Number 6

Theme: Family and Social Responsibility, Service, Healing
Astro Association: Gemini
Tarot Association: Lovers The Moon is in Pisces today and inspires passion without boundaries. Forego the traditional rules and rolls, as this is the hour of exploring your desires to their depths. A seeker of love is saturated today. Are you ready to get soaked in amor?> The day breaks with the Moon in eclectic Aquarius and it swims on into compassionate Pisces at 4:20 pm EST. A spiritual quintile from the Sun illuminates Pisces' key planet Neptune, emphasizing today's theme of forgiveness. We are awash with alternating waves of compassion and fear. Compassion arrives as our ego boundaries are dissolved, yet fear arises from the ego's confusion of identity. Forgiving our own humanness clears the way for much healing.

Life means making choices and today it's better to decide sooner than later. You can do what comes naturally and hide safely within your own inner world, though people may not realize how much you have to offer. Or, you can face the symptoms of your fears, which could initiate a major healing process and, in turn, bring more intimacy to your day.

tarot, food for thought, horoscopes

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